If I’m Pleading Guilty, Do I Still Need an Embezzlement Defense Lawyer?

If I’m Pleading Guilty, Do I Still Need an Embezzlement Defense Lawyer?

Being charged with a crime can make you feel overwhelmed and maybe even hopeless, especially if you’ve already decided to plead guilty to an embezzlement charge. Sometimes individuals feel as if there is no point in seeking legal representation, but this belief is detrimental to your future. Hiring an embezzlement defense lawyer in Houston, TX should be a priority, even if you know you’ll be pleading guilty.

If I’m Pleading Guilty, Do I Still Need an Embezzlement Defense Lawyer?

Don’t fall into the trap of believing that an attorney cannot benefit you if you plead guilty. Since embezzlement is a serious charge, you don’t want to accept guilt without having your case reviewed by a lawyer representing your interests.

No matter how confident you feel in your choice to plead guilty, it is ill-advised to make legal decisions that can have long-lasting repercussions without consulting an embezzlement defense lawyer. There are many reasons to seek legal counsel, such as:

Ensuring Your Rights Are Protected

Everyone has heard the phrase “innocent until proven guilty.” The words are so frequently used that many people forget how much power they hold. When you have been charged with a crime, you are presumed innocent until the prosecutor has proven you guilty. That means they have the burden of proving that you are guilty of the crime you’ve been accused of committing.

An experienced lawyer will ensure this right is not stripped from you and that the police and prosecution have not made any mistakes in handling your case. If they have, your lawyer can file a motion to suppress and possibly have any evidence collected through illegal methods removed. With less evidence, the prosecution may not have a solid enough case to hold up in court, so you would not have to accept guilt for a crime that can’t be proved.

Negotiating a Better Plea

Although the police and prosecution will try to convince you that you have no options, there is always wiggle room to negotiate. While prosecutors may not be willing to discuss changing the terms of a plea bargain with you, they will be inclined to negotiate with your lawyer.

Your lawyer will know how to work with the prosecution to find more reasonable sentencing recommendations. They will also be able to determine which aspects of your case matter most to the judge and know how to present your situation in the most favorable light.

Understanding the Charges Brought Against You

When you have a Houston, TX defense lawyer on your side, they will ensure you understand the charges brought against you. It’s common for prosecutors to try to intimidate the accused individual into believing that the case against them is so solid that pleading guilty is the only option.

Unfortunately, this technique is easy to fall for if you don’t have an attorney who can explain what you are being accused of and the proof the accusing party has connecting you to the crime.

Ensuring You Are Aware of the Consequences of Your Plea

If you have decided to plead guilty, you are likely already aware of the judicial penalties accompanying your decision, such as jail time, fines, and legal fees. However, there are often non-judicial consequences as well.

For example, some penalties that can follow a guilty plea include being stripped of professional licensure and employment opportunities. You could also risk deportation or face probation time. A lawyer will explain all the ways your guilty plea will impact your life in the future; that way, whatever you decide, you’ll have peace of mind knowing you were fully informed of the outcome of your choice.

Making Sure Pleading Guilty Is the Best Choice

The accusing side will always try to force you into pleading guilty. You may even feel that you can avoid facing severe consequences if you agree. While there are certain situations where pleading guilty benefits you, it isn’t the best move in every circumstance. When you are charged with a crime, you will likely be under extreme stress and may be tempted to plead guilty to ease your tension.

Having an individual looking out for your long-term interest that isn’t emotionally invested can prevent you from making a decision under duress that you will regret later. Your lawyer will go over all the potential options with you; that way, whatever you decide, you’ll know you made your choice based on logic, not emotion.

Find an Embezzlement Lawyer in Houston, TX

If you’ve been accused of a financial crime, you need a seasoned lawyer in your corner. First, look online for lawyers in your area and find promising prospects. Then you’ll want to follow the prompts advising you to “visit this page to schedule a meeting” and arrange a time to discuss your case.

After you’ve met with the candidates, you’ll want to work with the lawyer you feel the most comfortable with, who also has experience handling embezzlement cases. Don’t be afraid to ask plenty of questions at your consultations to be sure you are selecting the right individual to handle your case.

Your rights must be protected no matter what crime you are accused of committing. So ensure justice is served by hiring an embezzlement lawyer to handle your case, even if you’re planning on pleading guilty.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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