Is It Time for Your Child to Get Dental Help?

Is It Time for Your Child to Get Dental Help?

While raising a child, every parent puts in a colossal effort to cover all the essentials including healthcare. However, it is great to have a reminder of the aspects that need regular effort, such as dental appointments. Take a page out of this blog to understand the importance of scheduling regular dentist visits for your children; we’ve listed six reasons that warrant an immediate visit to a dental professional.

  1. They’re teething rapidly: Teething of the initial milk teeth can take between six months to a year. However, this period can prove to be challenging for parents and their children alike due to a plethora of reasons. Firstly, your child may grow irritable and cranky due to the gum ache when the process begins. This can lead them to the urge to chew on everything, including unsanitary objects, bringing more health problems. From an upset stomach, worms, and fever, an infant can have a difficult time getting accustomed to their beans new milk teeth. A dentist can help keep a check on the growth and help ease the discomfort.
  2. The permanent teeth are misaligned: Once the milk teeth fall off, permanent teeth replace them, which can be a slippery slope. Sometimes, the teeth don’t quite align, resulting in a faulty bite. A dentist can help with this by prescribing retainers, Invisalign, or braces to correct their position. Your child will also have a better jaw placement due to this, reducing problems like TMJ later in life.
  3. Overlapping growth: The period between transitioning from deciduous teeth to permanent teeth requires you to keep a close watch on the growth of your child’s pearly whites. At times, the milk teeth have strong roots that are not quite ready to let go, resulting in overlapping growth of the permanent teeth. This needs to be immediately addressed by a dentist to avoid alignment problems.
  4. Jaw problems: If your child is developing a differential jaw alignment where there is an apparent difficulty to bite, chew or have a relaxed posture, it’s time to visit the specialist. Ignoring jaw alignment issues can lead to neck and shoulder pain, headaches, and other problems with posture.
  5. Cavities and plaque: This goes without saying, but a regular clean-up to get rid of tartar and cavities at the right time will help your child have healthy teeth their entire life. Make sure that you check behind their teeth and fix a routine appointment for a better look.
  6. Tooth gap: The tooth gap can seem like an attractive trait in many locations, but a tooth gap can also hinder the growth of newer teeth by crowing them. A dentist will be able to address this condition and make sure that your child has a charming smile.

Wrapping Up

Most parents are highly aware of all caveats of dental care, but minor negligence can lead to a cavity. Somehow, dental care comes last on the list of our healthcare but is one of the most expensive appointments if teeth need fixing. Make sure to protect your child’s precious smile by getting them checked regularly.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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