Kelly Fitzpatrick Snow Job

Everyone who knows me knows I love to read and my favorite genre of books are romances. I have gotten better about venturing out and learning new Authors. Which is new to me as in the past I wouldn’t check out new Authors set in whose books I would read. If those authors didn’t have any new books out I just wouldn’t read a book.

I am Proud to tell you I am back with a new Author. I can’t wait to read Snow Job. I hope you feel the same way so, without further ado, I would like to ask you to check out Kelly Fitzpatrick. With it being Winter it is the perfect book to read. Especially in Fort Worth as we don’t get snow. So I can live through someone else.

Snow Job

Natalie Duncan is caught off guard and on the road over the Christmas holiday by a blinding snowstorm. In the act of desperation, she picks up a hitchhiker along the mountain pass. When night closes in, and the storm worsens, they take refuge in an abandoned cabin to wait out the blizzard.

Russ Crew is instantly attracted to Natalie, but the gold band on her finger stops him from pursuing her.

Natalie, a widow, is also drawn to him except the difference in their ages convinces her that he’s a nice guy merely being polite. Due in part to their desperate situation they form an emotional bond that soon turns physical. But once the snow melts, can they make a relationship work in the world outside their ramshackle cabin?

Take the time to check out Kelly’s Blog called “This Ain’t Your Mother’s Romance.” Isn’t that title just too cute? The blog is pink. Yes, pink so make sure you take the time to check it out!!

Kelly Fitzpatrick lives by the sea. Her passion by day is writing. In the evenings she walks barefoot along the sandy beach, the salty water lapping at her feet

Kelly Fitzpatrick

I’m a multi-award winning Northwest author of romance. See me at my website to find out more about my likes, loves, and passions.

 Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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