Learning to Be Organized

Quite often, learning a new skill is the most daunting part of acquiring a new skill. It’s easy to get overcome with doubt and end up quitting before you even start. Today we are learning to be organized.

Rest assured that learning to be organized is not difficult. All it takes is a little patience and determination.

Follow a Schedule

One of the best rules to live by when learning any new skill, especially organization, is to write everything down.

For learning to be organized, you specifically want to write out a schedule for yourself. Write down what you plan to accomplish each day and execute accordingly. Don’t get overzealous with your plans; start slow and work up to the bigger tasks.

Writing out a schedule is the best way to organize your life. You can plan out when to go to the grocery store, what you need, and how much you plan to spend. A good schedule can effectively organize almost every facet of your life.

Make It Easier

A big part of living an organized life is keeping your home and workspace organized and clutter-free.

Make strides to de-clutter your life, and you will find that keeping organized is not as difficult you think.

For clutter in your home, follow these basics:

Don’t be a packrat. Rid yourself of unneeded or unused items. If you haven’t used an item in a very long time, a year or two at least, it might be time to sell, donate, or throw away that item.

Use simple solutions. Invest in simple storage solutions such as shelves, totes, and storage bins. Having a place for everything gives you more opportunity to put things away and keep clutter at bay.

Make it easy. Clean as you go and put things up as you are finished using them. This will save you time and effort later.

Schedule It. Schedule a time each week to dust and clean. If you kept up with your clutter throughout the week, you would notice that even deep cleaning takes significantly less time.

Keep It Up

Be very strict with yourself until the organization is second nature to you. Don’t expect this to happen overnight, it might take a long time before organization happens automatically.

Learning anything, even organizational skills require practice. So, keep writing everything down, following a tight schedule, and putting each and every item away until you realize that you don’t have to think about it anymore. It might happen much easier than you think.

Don’t get discouraged if you find yourself slacking off or getting annoyed with the process. Instead, jump right back on that wagon and keep up the good work. In time, you will relish how much time, stress, and effort an organized life saves you.

The start of any new beginning can be intimidating, especially when you’re looking at a mountain of disorganized chaos. Start slow, schedule out your process, and keep up the good work. You will get there eventually, and once you do you will look back at yourself now and wonder why you didn’t learn organization much sooner.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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