Mind-Body Expert Discusses The Power of Meditation and Mindfulness for Mental Healt

Mind-Body Expert Discusses The Power of Meditation and Mindfulness for Mental Health.

Your mental health matters. 

This past year and a half has been chock-full of turbulence and low points. With stress levels at an all-time high, the tremendous loss that many have faced and the unknown future that awaits us, it is crucial, now more than ever, to ensure that we are prioritizing and fostering our mental health. 

In honor of May being both Mental Health Awareness Month and Mindfulness Month, bestselling author, former immunologist and leading mind-body wellness expert Jaya Jaya Myra, highlights the importance of mindfulness and meditation for improving mental health.

“Meditation is one of the most powerful gifts we have to improve mental, emotional and physical health. It acts to digest all of the stimuli and thoughts we have each day, allowing them to be processed and eliminated, rather like the stomach helps us digest food. If these thoughts and stimuli build-up without being processed, they can cause a host of health and mental health issues.”

But there is a solution to improving your mental health, and physical health, naturally, says Jaya Jaya Myra: 

“Daily meditation helps the body process out what is not needed, keeping you focused, clear, happy and anxiety-free. For me, it was instrumental in overcoming fibromyalgia naturally. Meditation helps balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, which allows the body to rest and recuperate like it is meant to. Keeping these physical processes optimized benefits mind, body and soul wellbeing.” 

What are some meditation and mindfulness practices that we can utilize to help reduce and prevent stress and increase our overall mental wellbeing?

“One of my favorite techniques is the 5-sense check-in, which I discuss in my book, The Soul of Purpose. Take about 10 seconds each to check in with each of your senses. What are you seeing right now? What are you tasting, smelling, feeling (physical sensation), and hearing? This exercise takes less than 1 minute to do, and it will bring you back to the present moment, out of stress and overwhelm, and help you refocus your energy.” says Jaya Jaya Myra

Jaya Jaya Myra
Author & Wellness Lifestyle Expert
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Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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