#HomeschoolWithBoardGames: Monopoly 

Charlie loves playing Monopoly  and in our #HomeschoolWithBoardGames:Monopoly from Hasboro Game is  one of the Games Charlie and I’ve decided to use in our classroom. One of the reasons we picked out Monopoly is you have to count out money.


Did you know before we began Homeschooling, we didn’t have any board games because they weren’t something Charlie wanted and I couldn’t get David or Charlie to play Board Games with me.

I would like to share a secret with you. Charlie never expressed a interest in board games until Charlie started visiting my sister. Debbie has all kinds of board games from when her son David M. was little. Charlie would attend Church with Debbie,

Then Debbie and Charlie would go back to her home  to help her with any chores she needed done and they would have lunch. Then Debbie and Charlie would sit down and play board games.

I hadn’t thought about purchasing board games until the counselor we were taking Charlie to said board games would help Charlie focus. After the counselor let us know I decided I would look into different Board Game to see if I could find a few Charlie and David would like.

All the while PRAYING Charlie and David would want to play. As I looked through the games I found several reasons why I  wanted to purchase Monopoly.

One of the reasons I wanted to purchase the games is there was  better for Charlie and David than the Video Games they like to play. Also you have to spend time together while playing without Electronics.

Board Games would give Charlie and me something to do together because I don’t play Video games. Did you know I’m not very good at Board Game and I get frustrated playing them.

David does play some of the Game with Charlie. I don’t tell Charlie or David but sometimes I feel like I’m left out. I hope having  board games keeps any of use from feeling this way and that playing will help Charlie with his reading.

I also believe board games will teach Charlie patience and that it’s okay to lose. Charlie is one sore loser and refuses to play if someone beats him at anything.

Another reason I picked out Monopoly is I believe the game can help Charlie with his ADHD and focusing while improving his reading. Which Charlie has and Monopoly is the perfect game for us to use in our school.

I love how Monopoly teaches not only Charlie but David and I how to take turns. We can purchase real estate. Then Charlie and I can research the property we purchase. Charlie can write reports about facts about the property he purchased. Charlie will be able to work on his spelling and his handwriting.

Then we can discuss how board games have changed over the years and compare them from the past to today. Explain to see if the Games are better or worse. We can talk about how Board Games are like video games but different as well.

Charlie can practice drawing the pieces in the game which means we would get a art lesson in. Then we can teach children younger than Charlie how to play which means he would need patience which both Charlie and I need to work on.

Reading Class:

Ask the players to sit down and then set the Board Game up. Read the instructions to the players.

Then ask them questions about the Game and once you finish have them ask you questions to make sure you understood what is going to happen and why.

Write the answers inside your Reading Journal.

Include notes on who played and who won and who lost were they good winners and losers?


Monopoly, Board Game, Hasbro Games, Get Out Of Jail Free, Houses, Hotels, Property, Homeschool With Board Games, Tokens, Money, Counting, Car, Top Hat, Counting, Dog, Accident, Math, Art, Drama, Family, Friends

Write your Spelling Words inside your Spelling Journal and include a definition for each word.

Math Class:

Count all the Game pieces include the Money and share the answer with the players.

Then ask one of the players to use the number to create 5 Math problems for you to work on.

Then you create 5 math problems for someone in your Home to work on.

Write the Math problems inside your Math Notebook.

Art Class:

Using the Cards and things on the Game Board create a piece of Art and explain what you drew and why.

Include a definition in your Art Journal.

Cooking Class:

Create a Snack based on the Game which can be served while playing the Game.

Write the Recipe inside your Cooking Journal which will be turned into a Cookbook at the end of the year.

Music Class:

Create a Song/ Jingle based on the Game that could be used in a Commercial.

Perform the Song/Jingle for your parents.

Write the Song inside your Music Journal.

Monopoly back

Another game we have is Monopoly Jr. which we wanted to compare to Monopoly. Charlie has younger cousins, and Monopoly Jr would give them something to play with when they visit our home.

Like regular Monopoly, you can use Monopoly Jr to learn with as you have to know math and how to read. Or someone can read the cards for you which would lead to teamwork and sharing.

Monoploy Jr

I am so happy we have both Monopoly and Monopoly Jr as they will lead to many Family Game nights and allow us to create new memories and allow us to invite friends over to play with us and help us with the lesson we can learn through both games.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie, and David Cates

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