Only the face a mother could love

What a week it has been. I can tell you Charlie is back in public school because the last couple weeks we have been fighting a cold. Every time I think were getting better either Charlie or I get worse.

I’m not sure why Charlie is making this face. But this morning the way we are both feeling this look fits right in. Although, in here you can see Charlie’s eyes. But up close they are almost swollen shut. I honestly believe charlie has Allergies.

This week it’s both of us all we want to do is lay on the couch and cat nap in between coughing. Although, Charlie did go to school yesterday. I went out and walked and I didn’t get as far as I wanted but I did get in almost 8,000 steps. Which is great for someone not feeling so well.

Later that afternoon Alyssa texted and said her headache was worse and she her stomach was upset. Then she also mentioned my sister Debbie’s head was hurting and that my nephew wasn’t feeling any better as well.

I know there must be something in the air. Before you ask me what is in the air. I will tell you I don’t know but I wish it would clear up and the children in the schools would quit getting sick because I know Charlie is bringing things home from there.

In the meantime I wish you a Blessed week. I am off to jump into the shower. Then I am heading out to walk before it gets to hot. I just don’t know how far I will get because this no, energy is kicking me in the behind.

Even though I hate to admit it because we don’t have insurance but it might be time I take Charlie and I to the doctor because I know for myself personally I need a Antibiotic. As a mom I believe Charlie does as well.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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