
This is a post for Plackers who sent me Plackers in exchange for trying the products they sent my family

Dental Care in our home is very important to me. I have taught Charlie to not only brush his teeth but to Floss several times a day. Not just after meals because we eat snacks during the day.

With school resuming soon I wanted to share Plackers with you. I will be purchasing Plackers Micro Mint in the travel cases for Charlie to keep in his backpack.

My computer bag and our glove compartment in our car so we always have Plackers with us including when we go out to dinner. I like that there is 12 to a pack which gives us enough to share.

Once the container is empty we can refill it instead of purchasing more containers saving us money. My niece turned 4 today and my nephew is 6 and even though there are Plackers for children they used Plackers Micro Mint in the travel case and liked the mint taste.

I also was able to try out Plackers Orthopick® Flossers  which I wish I had when my daughter Leslie was a teenager because she had braces. Plackers Orthopick® Flossers because flossing with braces no longer needs to be difficult and painful. yes, flossing was painful for les.

Plackers Orthopick® Flossers are the ideal choice for maintaining your oral hygiene routine with braces. With an original design, these ortho floss picks for braces easily slide between teeth and bracket wire, removing gunk and food particles to keep your smile fresh and clean.

At the moment I don’t know anyone wearing Braces but Charlie may have to have Braces in the future and if so I will be purchasing Plackers Orthopick® Flossers as well as keeping some on hand for when Charlie’s friends spend the night.

There is plenty of children in our family including friends of Charlie’s who spends the night with us so I couldn’t wait for Charlie to check out Plackers Kids Flossers for Dental Professionals.

Charlie couldn’t wait to try out Plackers Kids Flossers for Dental Professionals because he liked the color they came in. Charlie also said once he tried Plackers Kids Flossers for Dental Professionals that he liked the Fruit Swirl flavor.

Charlie shared with Lily and Jason and they both liked the flavors and the colors and asked there mom to purchase some for there home. Alyssa liked knowing Plackers Kids Flossers for Dental Professionals doesn’t stretch, shred or break saving us money because we will not have to replace them.

Plackers are portable, one-handed dental flossers that you can take with you for easy, on-the-go use after snacks or meals. They offer the perfect flosser for anyone in your life. When your filling Christmas Stockings you can purchase Plackers Orthopick® for your cousin who just got braces, Plackers Gentleslide® for your grandma who has tight teeth, Plackers Travel Pack for your friend who is always traveling, or even Plackers Kids for your young niece.

Be watching for my thoughts on Plackers GentleSlide and Plackers Hi-Performance  which we haven’t tried yet but will soon.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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