Pop Secret

Popsecret sponsors this post, but as always, all opinions are my own.

I would like to introduce you to Charlie. The little man aka significant man in my life. For those of us who don’t know Charlie takes after me. Charlie is a movie fiend just as Suzzane.

Not only that Charlie is “The love of my life!!”

Ass a parent watching movies was something I wanted to make sure my children enjoyed as they grew up. When Suzzane was little she and I would arrive at the movie theater when it opened and stay until it closed. We always had to have our popcorn no matter what.

Before we sat down we would grab a cold soda and pop us some Pop Secret Popcorn when watching movies at home.  Then we would sit down and watch movies. No, o matter how much popcorn we would pop it was never enough.

The next thing I knew Suzzane passed away and I quit watching movies. I  put all of her favorite movies away and didn’t eat much popcorn because it reminded me of here.

Although when Suzzane was here we would grab a sweet cold soda and pop Pop Secret Popcorn. Then spend the day watching our favorite movies. As we had a set we never got tired of watching.

When I’m missing Suzzane I will do this  because it’s a great way to remember her. I grab our favorite drink and movies along with Pop Secret Popcorn.

I climb on the couch and tune out the world and just think about her and the things we would do together. Sometimes I invite friends or family to join me and other times I do it by myself.

Now that Charlie is older almost every day we pull out one of his favorite moves and sit down and watch them together. We chose snacks including Pop Secret Popcorn.

We talk about our day and if were lucky David might be home with us. Sometimes he will decide to watch a movie with us. Although this doesn’t happen a lot because David works evenings. Movie time with David is even more special.

Here lately there have been more times than not when my sister is here with us. Debbie never misses a day to stop by and play with Charlie. I like knowing she will be visiting because if I’m busy I know, she will sit down and watch a  movie with Charlie.

This allows Charlie and David to create memories for both of them. My sister, Debbie misses Suzzane as much as I do. Spending time with Charlie eases her pain.

Debbie’s is like Charlie  and has to have her soda and Pop Secret Popcorn. Debbie and I will climb on the couch next to Charlie, and just watch the movies Charlie enjoys.

Knowing this makes movie watching exciting  for both Charlie and Debbie because she lives by herself. Once they’re settled, we talk about the movie were going to watch and why we chose it.

Its funny when we go grocery shopping because the first thing Charlie wants to grab is Pop Secret Popcorn for our movie days. If we run out then, he doesn’t want to watch a movie.

When were shopping for Popcorn I  try and purchase other brands and Charlie refuse to get those brands because Charlie doesn’t  like any other brand of popcorn. I think he got that from Suzzane because she was the same way.

I’m one when I put the popcorn on to cook I start to multitask and a lot of the time I end up burning the popcorn and we we end up throwing that batch away.

Which I dislike because it’s a waste of money. Now Pop Secret has an app that will tell you when to take the popcorn out of the microwave. I love this because there is nothing worse than the smell of burned popcorn.

I  wonder if  Charlie listens to the microwave or how it works. If you figure it out, let me know. I’m not sure which but I know it is “YUMMY!” and it stop the burned Popcorn

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Excuse the mess, but were making “MEMORIES’ with Pop Secret and Charlies favorite movies!!

How Your Members Will Benefit

(Provided By Pop Secret )

Sadly, 1 in 3 bags of popcorn winds up burned, and it’s the #1 complaint people have about popcorn. So, to help popcorn lovers everywhere, Pop Secret created the Perfect Pop app. It helps make sure every single bag of Pop Secret gets perfectly popped.

Storytellers will benefit by trying out the Pop Secret Perfect Pop app for themselves and sharing their experience with their audience.

Audiences will benefit by learning about the app, how to use it, and where to download it so they can enjoy family movie night with perfect popcorn!

Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie, and David Cates