Protective Effects of CBD on the Brain: Explained

Protective Effects of CBD on the Brain: Explained

Unless you’ve just beamed down from another planet, you must have already heard about CBD. Short for cannabidiol, CBD is a compound derived from marijuana, which medical researchers believe might have a wide range of therapeutic benefits. 

Note that the cannabis plant produces at least 115 pharmacologically valuable compounds. These compounds are otherwise known as cannabinoids. Other popular cannabinoids besides CBD include tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabigerol (CBG), cannabinol (CBN), and cannabichromene (CBC). Of the 115+ cannabinoids in marijuana, CBD and THC are the two most popular and widely studied ones. Collectively, these two compounds make up about 40% of all marijuana extracts. 

Tetrahydrocannabinol is widely noted for its psychoactive properties. It’s the compound in marijuana that accounts for most of the plant’s psychotropic effects. On the other hand, cannabidiol is mainly used for therapeutic purposes. 

CBD is a staple ingredient in nearly every medical marijuana product you’ll come across. The compound is generally recommended for pain relief. It may also help with stress and anxiety, inflammation, nausea, seizures, insomnia, and a host of other medical issues. Certain studies have also cited cannabidiol for its positive effects on the brain, which shall be the focus of this post.

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Ways CBD May Impact the Brain

For many years, studies investigating the pharmacological properties of cannabidiol mainly focused on the compound’s analgesic properties. However, recent findings now suggest that CBD can have protective effects on the brain

The following are the primary ways CBD may impact your brain;

  1. CBD May Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Stress, anxiety, and mood swings are the most common mental conditions. Although they’re usually overlooked, these conditions have a way of degenerating into full-blown psychiatric issues. Feelings of stress and anxiety are primarily regulated by the amygdala – the part of the brain responsible for controlling our emotions. On the other hand, moods are regulated by the limbic system – the brain’s region responsible for controlling our behavioral and emotional responses. 

Like many other mental conditions, stress, anxiety, and mood swings may be triggered by a host of environmental factors. However, these conditions mainly result from hormonal imbalance. 

The hormones cortisol and serotonin play a key role in regulating our moods and overall mental health. These hormones operate from extreme ends of the emotional spectrum. A surge in the hormone cortisol, coupled with a drop in serotonin levels, is the primary leading cause of stress, anxiety, and mood oscillations. 

Now, CBD may relieve stress and anxiety by increasing serotonin levels while inhibiting the stress hormone cortisol. Reduced anxiety and improved moods translate to a more productive brain. 

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What does the research say? 

Numerous studies have found that supplementing with cannabidiol-based products may help stabilize moods while combating stress and anxiety. For instance, in this study, researchers noted a marked reduction in cortisol levels when participants received oral CBD doses ranging from 300 mg to 600 mg, compared to a placebo group. 

CBD has been shown to help with all significant anxiety disorders. They include generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder (PD), social anxiety disorder (SAD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OC), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

  1. CBD May Protect Against Brain Inflammation

Brain inflammation is one of the most severe medical issues. Inflammation in the brain may result from physical injury, chronic diseases, or an autoimmune disease. 

Inflammation, be it in the brain or anywhere else, mostly occurs when the body releases high levels of immune cells known as cytokines. Without urgent intervention, brain inflammation could trigger a range of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and neuropathic pain. 

CBD may protect against brain inflammation by blocking the activation of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Studies have also established that CBD could inhibit T cell proliferation, induce T cell death, and reduce metastasis of immune cells. 

All these effects serve one underlying purpose – inhibiting the body’s inflammatory messenger activity.

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  1. CBD May Guard Against Seizures

Serotonin and cortisol are not the only neurotransmitters in the body involved in regulating stress, anxiety, and mood swings. There’s also gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). GABA is a chemical secreted in the brain, which is noted for its anti-anxiety effects. However, the neurotransmitter is probably most famous for its anti-seizure properties. 

GABA protects against seizures by counterbalancing neuronal excitation. Studies have shown that low GABA levels translate to many neuronal signals in the brain and central nervous system. Heightened brain signal activity is a leading cause of epilepsy, seizures, and mood disorders. 

Fortunately, this is another area where cannabidiol has shown immense potential. According to research, CBD may influence the activity of excitatory as well as inhibitory GABA signaling pathways. In lay terms, cannabidiol intake may help keep GABA within normal levels, guarding against seizures. 

The FDA has since approved a CBD-based drug known as Epidiolex to treat epilepsy. The drug is mainly prescribed for two rare but severe forms of epilepsy, known as Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, in patients aged two years or older.

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Cannabidiol may not already qualify as a nootropic drug. But if recent studies are anything to go by, the compound may offer numerous mental health benefits. To make the most of CBD, remember to start low and build momentum gradually. Also, discuss with your doctor before incorporating CBD into your health and wellness routine. Most importantly, ensure you can legally access CBD in your jurisdiction before using the substance. That’s because cannabidiol and various other marijuana extracts are still illegal in multiple countries around the world.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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