Radio Flyer Little Red Stories

Radio Flyer is the perfect way to build memories with my friends and family and it was something I was able to do when my children were smaller. As both of my children had Little Red Ryder wagons.  I plan on visiting Little Red Stories and sharing some of the memories I made with my family.

Suzzane and my Nephew David were younger I remembered  we would go to visit my mom and dad. Suzzane would be playing in the front room as she was 4 and my Nephew was a newborn.

As my parents and I would visit we would be talking Suzzane would go out into the front yard and put David into our  Radio Flyer wagon up by the front porch and fill it with blankets and pillows and come back in and pick up my nephew David.

They she would sit down and scoot off the stairs until she would reach the bottom stair and then she would  place David  in the  Radio Flyer wagon. Then walk up and down the sidewalk showing off her baby.

Then when we moved closer to a shopping center there was many times my sister and I put both children into our Radio Flyer wagon and would head off to the store to do some shopping.

Now that I have Charlie and  my nephew has a new baby boy I can not wait to see what Charlie and Jason end up doing as I know we will be getting them both a Radio Flyer wagon.

If you have a story about any of the items that Radio Flyer carries then come and enter your stories as you may win a contest.

**** Little Red Stories – Chance to win $10,000 in CASH!!!

Radio Flyer is unveiling Little Red Stories, an online gallery where fans can submit or browse stories, photos and videos of Radio Flyer experiences, past or present!

Those who submit their Radio Flyer memories, whether 2 days ago or 20 years ago, through text, photo or video have a chance to be selected as a monthly winner and win a $500 gift card to

All entries will be eligible for Radio Flyer’s Little Red Stories $10,000 cash grand prize plus a custom Build-A-Trike and Build-A-Wagon to be awarded in May 2014. I would like to ask you submit your entries for a chance to win here:

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David

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