Reasons to Date on Holidays

The holiday season is one of the most magical times of the year: there is not any shortage of festive music, scrumptious food, whimsical decorations, and most significant of all, holiday cheer.

Everyone is gentler, more kind hearted leading up to the Christmas season. With this dating can be very enticing at this time. But a budding relationship when the vacation season kicks off can present some unique challenges — does one get them a gift or invite them to family parties? But if you’re flying solo, all the nice and cozy and fuzzy feelings floating around make the vacations an excellent time to fulfill potential romantic partners.

For most people, most of the time, dating could be a lot of fun—especially if you’re dating someone new that you simply like. But it can even be stressful, what with wondering if this new person is your lover or simply a fling. And when the vacations pass off it will bring new stresses of its own, the combo can become a wee bit combustible, especially if you and your new lover or partner don’t have an idea for the way to handle the vacations.

So first off, you need to set ground rules to ensure both of you keep your sanity while exploring the future of your newly started relationship. Set rules for things like gifts, social events and finding time to be together romantically. Aside from that it is also important to answer the question, why does a holiday relationship seem appealing to most single people?

Here’s why:

1. Feelings of loneliness
Ironically, the closeness of the season can oftentimes make single people reflect on the lack of a partner in their life. Spending time with loved ones during the holiday is great, but it can stir up emotions inside a single person’s heart and mind. 

2. Cold weather, perfect for cuddling and being with someone provides warmth and the holiday season brings out this desire more because of how cold the weather is. There is a longing for warmth that no coffee or hot coco can fill. This is a season where it’s best to cuddle and stay warm by the fireplace. It’s so much easier and fun to remain in and hibernate with someone special than it’s to travel and get into harsh cold weather outdoors. After all, fireplaces are romantic. It’s nice to cuddle with someone while watching the embers. 

3. Love is in the Air
With all the engagements happening it is not surprising to meet or long for a lover. You see people all around you overflowing with sweetness. It just makes the mood of the season more loving, making you desire for someone whom you can be with too.

Do you agree that the holiday season creates a mood of love and a desire to date? Do you think people are lonelier that’s why they are easily attracted to someone? Whatever the reasons are, we can’t deny that the holiday season can spark new relationships. So, if you’re single don’t lose hope, the holiday season might just do wonders for you!

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