Reborn baby dolls – A new type of dolls

Even though this statement is not accurate and reborn baby dolls cannot be called a new product, this is somewhat true as they only recently became popular. Since the 1930s when they were originally created, these dolls had to climb an upward slope. They weren’t recognized, people wouldn’t sell them in their stores, and it took a while for the whole industry to develop.

Why did it take so long? What is the story behind these lifelike dolls?

Check this article to find out!

First reborn dolls

Reborns are also called realistic dolls. First ones were created by using existing dolls and modifying them. The whole process was intended to create items that are more realistic, more similar to real children. Like any other doll that produced during the history of humankind, these dolls were meant to resemble humans. In a sense, we can even call it the last step in the evolution of dolls.

However, sometimes being too realistic can pose a problem as reborn artists soon found out.

Doll themselves were always favorite, and there was still the market for them. But the problem with reborns was that they were too realistic, and this had a negative impact on customers, and they would even complain after seeing them in stores. They never caught on.

Nevertheless, even with all the difficulties, artisans continued creating them. There was still some market for them, and they were usually sold based on recommendations, from hand to hand, without really being present in stores. In time, more specialized stores appeared. However, they became famous only due to development of the Internet.

Nowadays, most people still don’t get the fascination with these dolls, but unlike previously, you can easily find them through numerous e-commerce shops. There are lots of doll companies that are into them so there are always new items which you can buy.


There are lots of exciting things regarding these dolls.

Unlike first dolls created by using existing dolls, nowadays people use doll kits in most of the cases. These kits have all the necessary parts, so all you have to do is assemble them. Still, the whole process may take approximately 40 hours, and results will vary based on your skill. Like any work that based on craftsmanship, you will have to learn a lot before you can call yourself a master.

A mixture of silicone and vinyl used as it makes it easier to apply paint. Furthermore, artist will have to paint the doll several times during the process and even hand paint smaller details. Hair is also hair rooted, but sometimes people also use wigs.

All of this makes reborns quite expensive. While it is possible to buy specific models for as low as 40 dollars, items created by renowned doll artists can go for several thousand. Still, enthusiasts are prepared to pay any price so as long as they were able to get their hands on one of these masterpieces.

When it comes to reborn baby dolls as gifts, there are several things you have to know.

First and foremost, not recommended that you give them to children younger than three years. Even though dolls are durable, various things can endanger them. One of the most significant issues is paint which chipped easily. So, if you do intend to give it to your kid, make sure to explain how properly take care of the doll. In the end, it would be a real shame to destroy such a piece, and it would also be a shame to pay lots of money for it.

Reborns can last for a long time if you take good care of them. They can even last for a couple of generations. Make sure to isolate them just in case. Most collectors keep them in special rooms known as nurseries. While you don’t have to go as far, it would be ok to free some space in your home for your brand-new doll (especially if you have several of them).

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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