Reducing Your Cancer Risk Published By Dr. Carl O. Helvie

This morning I would like to share a book that was close to my heart as most of my moms family passed away from either Heart Disease or Cancer. Which is what both my mom and grandmother passed away from. Plus, my sister has had a scare with Cancer and so I have I.

So today I am happy to share a new book with you called Reducing Cancer Risk which after reading I plan on sharing with everyone I know. I fully believe if the Author is still living but using the facts in this book then the rest of us can as well. Once I finished reading the PDF I was sent to review in exchange for this review. I went out and purchased copies for my friends and family because I believe everyone should read this new book and use the information they find inside it to keep themselves safe.

One of the goals I have set for myself since reading this book is to get up and exercise for at least 30 minutes every day no matter what is happening. Which means I will get my walk in each and every day which will help me get the steps in I have been wanting to get. Along with losing the weight I need to lose which will lower my Blood Pressure and help me manage the headaches I have been suffering from.

What I can tell you that I got from this new book is not only better health through Exercise but I might be able to stop myself from ending up with Cancer like the rest of my family has gotten. So one thing I plan on doing is making sure Charlie uses these tips as well because Cancer can and does strick children just as much as adults.

The latest statistics show one of every two adults will have cancer and about half of these are preventable. For example, research shows that 30 minutes of exercise daily could reduce cancer risk by 50% and proper nutrition could reduce it 35%. Mental/Spiritual aspects are also important. One study reported those who expressed gratitude had stronger immune systems, lower blood pressure, and fewer symptoms of illness slept better and were better able to tolerate aches and pains.
This 174-page book includes a theoretical framework that provides an overview of factors that are carcinogenic and when avoided can reduce your cancer risks including electromagnetic frequencies, selected carcinogenic chemicals and metals, and ultraviolet rays. Including things, you can do to strengthen your mind/spirit/body against carcinogens including. 1) physical things such as exercise; fluids; nutrition; vitamins, minerals, herbs and supplements; immune builders; sleep; smoking cessation, and music. 2) mental/spiritual activities including affirmations, compassion, faith, forgiveness, gratitude, meditation, optimism, prayer, relaxation, serving others, social support, stress reduction, and visualization. Research-based ways to avoid or become stronger against carcinogens and interviews with over 40 national leaders on these subjects included in this holistic approach to cancer prevention.

About the Author

Carl O. Helvie

Dr. Carl O Helvie (1932- ) grew up in Gouverneur, New York and functioned as a nurse practitioner, educator, author, and researcher for 60 years. Most of his degrees and practice have been in public health and wellness. During his years in academia, he wrote ten books and book chapters, over 55 articles, gave 57 research papers around the United States and Europe, developed a nursing theory, and received funding for an established a nursing center and provided primary care for homeless and low-income individuals and families. He also overcomes lung cancer using natural interventions after being given six months to live by conventional medicine in 1974. Since retirement, he has written two additional books and has been the host of the holistic health radio show for the past six years. All of his current work since retirement from academia focuses on natural interventions for health problems. Applying these concepts to life, he is  82 and free of chronic illnesses. Prescribed medications despite the average for a 75-year-old of 3 chronic diseases and five prescribed medications. In 1999 he received the Distinguished Career Award in Public Health from the American Public Health Association and had two listings in Wikipedia. He has interviewed on 150 radio and television shows about his last two books. He has recently founded the Carl O Helvie Holistic Cancer Foundation.
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Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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