Responsible Mom’s Ultimate Checklist

Photo by Dakota Corbin on Unsplash

As a mother, it can sometimes feel like no matter what you do for your children, there just isn’t ever enough time. From completing your daily tasks to trying to find a minute alone in peace and quiet, moms have crazy schedules on top of trying to give their kids the best lives possible. We want to assure you that despite there only being 24 hours in a day, that this is more than enough time to set in place some responsible plans of action and show your little ones just how much you value them. Here is a little reminder of some of the ways moms can do their best to build a strong family.

  1. Secure financial plans for the future

Whether you are a working, single, married, stay-at-home, or any sort of combination, mothers must take time to map out financial plans for their children’s’ future. If you’re feeling overwhelmed trying to support their future, speaking to a licensed expert might provide clarity on the right plan of action, and how to best leave money behind for your family should anything happen to you unexpectedly.  For working moms, a life insurance plan is a great way to replace the lost income in the case of tragedy, and the same goes for stay-at-home moms whose childcare, cleaning, and cooking responsibilities would need replacement at the cost of the family.

While it is important to look at the several types of life insurance plans available, it is also just as crucial to carefully select beneficiaries. Taking the time to consider the proper person or people to handle the money left behind ensures that it will effectively be used to cover current or future expenses, like any mortgages or potential college plans. A key point to remember is the age of the beneficiary you list. So while you may be inclined to list your child on the policy, keep in mind that regulations exist that do not let minors have direct access to death benefits, and would mean they would have to go through a court-approved guardian to receive the funds. Therefore, discuss your options and be mindful of who your money will make the most sense left behind with. 

2. Instill strong values

A mother’s job goes far beyond packing lunches or driving to practices. Her duties also include helping to raise strong children who can change the world for the better. As a responsible mother, ensuring that a strong work ethic is instilled in children proves that she is dedicated to not only helping her own family but that her children will be able to stand on their own no matter what.

A variety of values are essential to pass down to children from a young age as this is an extremely impactful and impressionable time, making it easy to introduce habits and make them stick.  Although these life lessons are sometimes learned the hard way, a responsible mom can recognize the long-term effects of staying disciplined in how she wants to raise her children. For kids, this will help them to make smarter decisions on their own in the future and ensure a strong moral compass. Similarly, along with your family values, teaching children life skills that can help them later on, creates productive kids with strong work ethics. Whether you choose to assign chores or encourage activities like volunteering, find what works for your family in helping to form these values.

3. Make any medial needs known

For families that have any sort of medical needs, there must be an actionable plan in case of an emergency. From food allergies to social disabilities, the beauty of children is that they are all special and unique in their own way—the same goes for the specific requirements needed to keep them safe. Moms should take some time to learn about any conditions or concerns from their child’s doctors and make sure they have all their information up to date in the event of a serious problem. Another precautionary measure to promote ultimate health and safety would be to designate an emergency contact.

A great place to start is to have a well-written list of all the medical conditions that are important for someone to know about your child in the case that you weren’t present to speak on their behalf. A tool to have peace of mind about this is to create a custom allergy and first-aid card that your child can carry with them at school or whenever they are out with friends. By having easy access to their dietary restrictions and additional needs others can assist and comply with their needs, as well as having your immediate contact information—helping you as a mother protect your child even when you aren’t around.

The common theme of becoming a responsible mom means having the ability to find a little extra time in those 24 hours of the day to plan how to help her children now, as well as establishing a way to make sure that they can be even better in the future. These few steps can become a great foundation for children to grow and learn from a wonderful mother who has taken the time to raise some awesome kids.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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