Ripley’s Believe It Or Not!

I would like to let you know Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! just celebrated there 100th anniversary and to commemorate, they have a new book of the 100 best Believe It or Not! stories from our 100 years of collecting amazing tales and exhibits from around the world. 

The new book is called 100 Best BIONs, and it debuted yesterday on the 100th day of this year, April 10! I’m so excited as my family received a copy to review and the thoughts in this review are my families.

I love how 100 Best BIONs is divided into easy-to-find sections like People, Animals, and World. 100 Best BIONs having the different sections we can find exactly what were looking for.

Creating Lesson Plans using the sections inside 100 Best BIONs will allow us to create Lesson Plans Charlie can use in our Homeschooling classroom faster and easier.

Charlie can read a section a night from 100 Best BIONs and get his 30 minutes of required reading in, Then Charlie will have fun facts to share with his teachers. I could see Charlie doing a Art activity from what he reads and also Book Reports.

Inside 100 Best BIONS is an Exhibits chapter featuring the most remarkable artifacts on display at Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Odditoriums. Which Charlie and I plan on visiting in person so we can see the Odditoriums in person.

Charlie and I loved the colorful images which accompany the sections inside 100 Best BIONS because they offer us detailed accounts of how each piece was acquired by Ripley’s Believe It Or Not!, including fruitful fertility statues, Mars meteorites, genuine vampire killing kits, the world’s longest fingernails, and even a piece of cake from the Royal wedding of Charles and Diana!

Charlie is excited to visit our local Bookstores and pick up copies of 100 Best BIONS  for his friends and family. I think it will be nice to let Charlie’s teachers know 100 Best BIONs is available at all major booksellers, as well as online through way they can pick up extra copies for there classrooms.

I would also like to let you know Ripley’s Believe It Or Not next book to be released are Norman and the Flight and Gabby and the Dark! I can’t wait to read both books because. There perfect for younger readers under the age of 8 and hand painted in watercolor!

Charlie and I also would like to share Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! A Century of Strange. As soon as I saw the word strange I knew David would want to look through the book just as much as Charlie would.

I loved the cover of Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! A Century of Strange because it is a dark purple which is my favorite color. The green for the letters pop and stand out. I love the designs on the front of the cover of
A Century of Strange and how you can feel them and they aren’t rough.

Charlie sat down right away to look through A Century of Strange and Charlie found several things he would like to try out he read in A Century of Strange although he has to have a adult with Charlie because I didn’t want anyone to get hurt.

We will be using A Century of Strange not only in our Science class, but Language Arts/Reading and Art. There is a fact inside this new book that will keep anyone reading it entertained at all times.

Releasing just in time for the 100th anniversary of Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! , A Century of Strange, the 15th book in the bestselling series, is packed with all the unexpected stories and images you’ve come to expect from us.

There’s simply no way to prepare yourself for this all-true, all-new collection filled with incredible facts, unbelievable stories, and mind-blowing photography. As amazing today as 100 years ago, A Century of Strange ! is sure to amaze and astound children and adults alike.

Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! A Century of Strange is filled with thousands of strange stories, bizarre feats, and hair-raising oddities from around the world.

Discover how one barber cuts hair with fire or marvel at blue lava spewing from a volcano—it’s all weird and all true! Bursting with vibrant and eye-catching photos, as well as submissions from our dedicated readers, this book is a must-have for every Ripley’s fan.

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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