Roses Are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink

As I continue to plan out our Lessons for this year. I knew I wanted to add Roses Are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink to our library for Charlie to read in Feburary during Valentines.

But if your the mom of a boy Roses Are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink is perfect anytime of the year because they do have STINKY FEET. In fact sometimes Charlie’s and Davids feet smell so bad I want to run away. Is it this way in your home as well?

I love how inside Roses Are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink we learn how easy it is to hurt someone’s feelings but that you can turn it around by apologizing and become friends.

Charlie liked the animals and learning more about them and what they liked. Knowing someone else might have stinky feet kept Charlie from being upset about his own.

We found new words inside Roses Are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink which we can use for our spelling words. As well as pictures we can draw for Art class.

Charlie let me know when it’s time to make Valentines for his friends he would like to write poems as well and that they will all be nice poems. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.

For our lesson on animals we will be researching what a opossum is and what they eat. As well as were they live. TCharlie will practice drawing a Opossum for Art class.

About: Roses Are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink (Gilbert the Opossum) 

This Valentine’s Day favorite read-aloud will prompt lots of giggles, as well as discussions on kindness and forgiveness.

Gilbert is all set to write fifteen friendly Valentine cards to his classmates. But how can he write a nice poem for the boy who tweaked his nose, or the girl who made fun of his glasses? Instead, Gilbert writes two not-so-nice Valentines…and signs the wrong name on both!

When his classmates read his poems, their feelings are hurt, and Gilbert’s prank quickly turns into pandemonium. But with the help of a friend and an honest apology, there’s always time for a change of heart on Valentine’s Day.

Check out the Author here:

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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