Sago Mini School

Good morning, I hope all is well!  I wanted to let you know about a new feature Sago Mini School will be launching on 1/27 called About Me.  

Sago Mini School helps preschoolers develop early learning skills through topics they’re naturally curious about. From exploring the colors of the rainbow to discovering where garbage goes once it’s thrown away, kiddos practice early math, literacy, and problem-solving while learning more about the world around them. In Sago Mini School’s newest topic, there’s a new kid on the block…and it’s you! About Me is all about self-discovery, but it helps develop social-emotional skills through engaging, educational activities that preschoolers relate to. 

In About Me, children start by creating their own likeness in Character Creator so they’re the star of the show! With the guidance of several diversity boards and committees, the Sago Mini team created a wide range of inclusive options including 12 skin tones with a variety of freckles and birthmarks, hairstyles, head-coverings, and wheelchairs. With so many diverse options to customize their appearance, preschoolers learn about acceptance and value our differences.

After almost two years of increased isolation due to the pandemic, children have had limited opportunities for social interaction with others outside of their homes. Social-emotional skills are essential for early childhood development, and About Me is full of activities that help preschoolers identify emotions, practice empathy, and gain self-awareness.

It’s no wonder Sago Mini School has been an Editor’s Choice at the App Store along with thousands on positive reviews.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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