Should Your Kids Be Helping More Around The House?

Should Your Kids Be Helping More Around The House?

Photo Courtesy of Pixabay

If your kids are old enough to figure out how to use a smartphone then they are old enough to know how to use a vacuum or a broom. With family schedules across the country busier than ever before, getting your kids to help you around the house can be a real time saver. It doesn’t matter if you are from Houston, TX or Leawood, KY, getting your kids involved in the general household chores has great benefits for the whole family.

You can set up a reward system where your children get an allowance or access to extra privileges once they complete their household chores. Teaching your kids about the value of work and money can help them to have a better understanding of how the world really works.

You can always bring in a cleaning service in Leawood to take care of some of the bigger chores, but there is no reason why your kids can’t start to help out with age-appropriate tasks right away. 

Age Appropriate

Choose your chore assignments based on the age and the skill of each of your children. Simple tasks like cleaning up toys at the end of the day are appropriate for younger children. Older children with more knowledge and coordination can take on larger tasks like washing dishes or vacuuming the carpets.


Most children love to help out and enjoy doing tasks that give them a sense of accomplishment and responsibility. It’s never too early to start teaching your kids about how much effort it takes to keep your home in great shape. Parents of children that are never asked to contribute to the work of the home are often left with children that they have to cater to.


An allowance system is a good way to set up your schedule of chores. When your child’s tasks are completed properly and on time they can receive their reward. But, it’s important to remain accountable and teach them what it means to work as part of a team. Rewards should be held back if the job is not completed properly.

Build Skills

As your children develop, it’s your job to help them expand their skills. Teaching them about home maintenance, cleaning tips and even letting them help with cooking meals for the family are all great ways to learn new skills. Start equipping your children early with the skills that they will need to become confident and successful adults.

Work As A Team
Assigning chores to your children is a great way to carve out a bit of quality family time. Even little ones can help with easy projects or cleaning chores alongside a parent. Your guidance and instruction can help you to bond and create memories that will last a lifetime.

When your children are young you cater to their every want and need. As they start to grow and develop it’s a great idea to start them out with a few chores that can help out the whole family. Set a regular schedule of tasks and reward systems to help inspire them into action and watch their confidence and skill level soar.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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