State Farm and Trupanion survey reveals how prepared people with pets are in an emergency or natural disaster

Are most people prepared for the unexpected? Having an emergency preparedness plan is something that everyone should have. That includes pets and animals.

According to a recent Ask Suzy survey of over 1,000 pet parents conducted by State Farm and Trupanion95% of respondents view their pet as an important part of the family and 90% said it’s very importantthat all members of the family – including pets – are taken care of in the event of a natural disaster or emergency.  

What is surprising?

  • Only 40% of pet parents said they currently have pets microchipped and an emergency plan in place for themselves and for their pets.
  • 12% of pet parents WOULD leave their pet behind if forced to evacuate from an emergency situation.

Some pet parents haven’t consider a plan that includes their pet because they’ve never been in a disaster situation or don’t live in an area where natural disasters typically occur. Whether it’s a house fire, flooding, illness or natural disaster, it’s important to have a plan in place. As part of National Preparedness Month, Trupanion and State Farm would like to remind all responsible pet parents to include safety planning measures for the family pet.

Consider the following items when preparing your pet emergency kit.  

  • Food – Several days’ worth of your pet’s food will help bridge the gap before you are able to purchase more. Your pet will already be in a stressful state, so keeping their diet as consistent as possible will be important.
  • Water – During a natural disaster, clean water may be at a premium, so stock up on bottled water.
  • Collar with ID tag & leash – During an emergency, your pet may have the instinct to want to flee. Having an extra collar and leash are important to make sure you are able to secure your pet, and ID tags should always be attached in case the pet gets free. If you haven’t microchipped your pet yet, now is the time.
  • Medicines – If your pet is on any medication for existing medical problems, it’s important to have at least a few days’ to a week’s worth in your emergency kit to cover you until you are able to get to a veterinarian.
  • Medical records & other important documents in a water-proof container – Keeping a copy of all medical records and other important documents (like purebred papers or city registration papers) in an emergency kit will ensure that any veterinarian you need to see will have a detailed history of your pet and you are able to clearly prove ownership in case there is a question.
  • Favorite things – Pets can sense stress, so to keep them as comfortable as possible, include items that are familiar to them — such as toys, treats, or blankets and smell like home.

Trupanion is a leader in medical insurance for cats and dogs throughout the United States and Canada. State Farm is the largest property and auto insurer in the Country.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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