
Would you help me welcome our latest Christmas Gift Guide Sponsor StoreCash which you will find inside our Christmas Gift Guide Shopping for: Tweens & Teens.

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A contactless purchasing capability that offers parental control, security and some purchasing autonomy for teens. Especially while Covid-19 is forcing Americans to rethink buying and sending physical gift cards.

StoreCash is a mobile app that enables NFC/contactless payment at checkout. StoreCash lets me buy specific gift cards for my teens, or send StoreCash that can be redeemed just like a gift card at over 200 popular retailers and restaurants. And, starting this fall, StoreCash will enable payment anywhere MasterCard is accepted. 

StoreCash started as a universal virtual card with contactless purchasing capability (QR code/bar code in the app). Teens initially loved StoreCash because they could load all of their cards on StoreCash, or ask parents to transfer money via the StoreCash mobile apps, and that value could be redeemed in popular retailers, like Pete’s Coffee, Target, and Walmart.

But, the founders quickly realized that there’s a bit of freedom teens like in the purchasing abilities. And, parents like the peace of mind knowing that a physical card wouldn’t be lost, creating a security issue or loss of value.

Moreover, with parameters around the spend, parents know that the kids can buy things without carrying cash. After just a few short months, StoreCash is used monthly by tens-of-thousands of American families. 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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