Taste Of Home Healthy Cooking Annual Recipes

I would like to share another Taste of Home Cookbook Healthy Cooking Annual Recipes. I don’t know about you but I don’t think I could cook healthy if you wanted me to. How about you? I was looking through the cookbook there was a recipe for Shrimp and Noodles.

I’ve been wanting to spend time with my friend Nancy who loves Shrimp and Seafood. I would like to prepare this dish for my friend Nancy. I just need to make sure its something she could eat on the diet she is on. Where she has lost close to a hundred pounds.

I am so proud of her and I hope by using the recipes in this cookbook that both David and I can lose some of the weight we are carrying around. Then we both would feel better and not hurt as much. I would be able to walk more which is my goal.

Thy have included indicators in the book which shows us which recipes are Power Packed, Meatless which Charlie and David wouldn’t eat. Fast Fix which is perfect on a busy day. Slow Cooker my favorite way to cook. How about you?

There is even a section that tells us what healthy food imposters are which I never knew there were food imposters. Did you? FYI If your hungry then you might not want to open this cookbook up as I found French Toast I would love having for dinner. Would you like to join me?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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