Ten Educational Games

What do you pull out when you want to play school rather than teach? Ten Educational Games That Enhance Your School Day because you can substitute these games for a lesson once in a while. They offer you much more than Monopoly or Connect 4. You will be learning about electrical circuits, to business conglomerates and from food chains to famous battles. These games cover math, science, social studies and language arts.

Make sure you set extra time aside when playing these games as they may take longer than the lessons you usually use in your classroom. Although using variety in your homeschool will keep your students from getting bored and fighting you during class and complaining at the work you give them.

You should be able to find the Games at any toy store, or you might contact a store specializing in Homeschool Curriculum to see if they carry the games. Also, when your at a local store like Walmart you can look for the Games. Or retail stores and Garage Sales. For me, I plan on checking our Half Price Bookstore to see if they might carry these games.

If I can not find them, then I can shop online through Amazon or search Google for the Games. Also, ask your friends and family as they may have some of the Games. Or schools sometimes have sales at the end of the school year, and you may find some of the games for sale through these sales.


An electric circuit game was containing 84 cards. Have fun while learning about electrical circuits. 80 cards represent elements of electronic circuits; two tickets are SHOCK and 2 SHORT Circuit cards. 2-6 players, Ages 9 & Up.


  • Imagine planning, building, and owning the next super city
  • Strategically sell, trade, or keep stocks
  • The player with the most money wins
  • For 2 to 6 players
  • Includes gameboard, 100 building tiles, seven headquarters buildings, 11 corporation banners, stock market tray, 168 stock cards, six info cards, money pack, and game guide

Apples to Apples

  • The game of hilarious comparisons
  • Award-winning card and party game for ages nine and up
  • Players will delight in the crazy comparisons while expanding their vocabulary and thinking skills
  • 576 cards provide hours and hours of fun!
  • The KIDS and JUNIOR card sets contain no duplicate cards; sets combined for thousands of new
  • The game of hilarious comparisons; packaging and card style may vary

Blue Vs. Grey

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