The Anglers Book of Favorite Fishing Quotations

I would like to let you know this is a review for a fun book called The Angler’s Book of Favorite Fishing Quotations for all the fishermen in our lives. The novel is published by Jackie Corley.

Fishing is not an escape from life, but often a deeper immersion into it.” —Harry Middleton

I was blessed to receive a copy of The Angler’s Book of Favorite Fishing Quotations in exchange for this review. I would like to let you know the thoughts in the review is mine and my families. No, one else.

David’s mom himself and his daughter Leslie and his son Travis all enjoy Fishing and haven’t gotten to go in a long time. For Mother’s Day I want to purchase Fishing Gear and License for them so they can take Charlie fishing.

I plan on purchasing a lunch for them so they don’t have to worry about food. Then I will pack them drinks snacks. Inside the basket of snacks I plan on putting The Angler’s Book of Favorite Fishing Quotations for any of them to read when taking a break.

To prepare for there Fishing Trip Charlie and I will be studying Fishes, Oceans. We will be reading The Angler’s Book of Favorite Fishing Quotations and using it for Language Arts, Reading and Art.

If you haven’t had the time to check out The Angler’s Book of Favorite Fishing Quotations I hope you take the time to check it out soon as you will find both funny and inspiring stories inside this novel.

The Angler’s Book of Favorite Fishing Quotations book you can read all at once or a chapter a day. From back to front or just thumb through and find the sections that appeals to you the most. This novel is perfect for men, women and children.


Fishing is a pastime as old as humanity itself, and while the process and techniques have changed and evolved with new technology and strategies, the simple goal of catching a fish is timeless. Whether by yourself on a tiny boat in the middle of a lake or with a group of people on the edge of a winding river, one only needs a simple rod, line, and bait–as well patience, that most important component!

A perfect gift for anyone who loves fishing, The Angler’s Book of Favorite Fishing Quotations captures this unique and joyful experience with words and wisdom from writers, thinkers, and of course, anglers!

The Angler’s Book of Favorite Fishing Quotations
Written by Jackie Corley
978-1-57826-835-1, $12.50 hardcover

Published by Hatherleigh Press.
Distributed through Penguin Random House.
Available wherever books are sold.

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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