The Invisible String Backpack

Good morning, welcome to a brand-new week and our second week of school. Before Charlie and I head out on our nature walk this morning we wanted to share a new book with you. The Invisible String Backpack By the Author of the Invisible String Patrice Karst and Illustrated by Joanne Lew Vriethoff in exchange for this review.

For our family this Summer has been the Summer from HE….. Usually, Charlie gets to spend a lot of time with my niece Lily and Jason. though this Summer isn’t happening because their parents decided to send them to Camp which they do need to go to. Then our Swimming Pool is closed so Charlie and I’ve been stuck in our house.

Which is a God wink because Charlie has been so bored. Charlie has decided to start school early allowing us to get back on track with things he missed last year. We’ve been spending more time together one on one and even with David which Charlie and I needed. We’ve joined both a local Library and a local gym so I can get out and walk.

Then this morning we signed up for the summer Reading program and visited our Senior Center and will be volunteering there and Charlie is going to set up a Reading Time here in the complex for the little children and the first book Charlie plans on reading to the children is The Invisible String Backpack.Would you like to join us for reading time and if things goes well Craft Time?

I asked Charlie why he choose The Invisible String Backpack as the first book to read to the kids. Charlie said the storyline and illustrations would ease the children’s fears of being around new people. Charlie also let me know they would like the cover of the book with the glitter on it. For a craft Charlie is going to ask each child to bring a backpack and give them a piece of string to keep inside there bags with a note letting them know how to contact Charlie if they get scared or need a friend.

Charlie also let me know he would like to purchase a copy of The Invisible String Backpack to donate to his kindergarten teacher to read to her students and if we can’t find her, Charlie wants to look for his Vice Principal to donate the book to for Mr. Weimann to share with the new students in his school.

As we read the book together the more Charlie and I feel in love with the storyline, and we can’t wait to check out other books in the series. I love how the little girl’s whole family helped ease her fears by filling her backpack with invisible things she could use throughout the day. As we read the book Charlie and I discussed what other items she might need in her backpack including a snack to share with her new friends.

If you’re a big brother or sister and your siblings are starting school soon Charlie. I hope you’re as kind as Jordan was and help your little brother or sister become calmer by filling, there backup. Then join them in a song like The Wheels On The Bus. Now when you’re scared just grab your invisible backpack which we all have and look inside to see what can help you become less afraid.


This companion book to The Invisible String—which has sold 1.5 million copies to date—offers a complete socio-emotional toolkit for back-to-school—and your whole life!

It’s Mila’s first day of school but mixed with excitement is worry. What if she can’t find her classroom? What if no one likes her? What if she’s too nervous to speak up? With a little advice from her brother, she learns that she has everything she needs right in her Invisible Backpack: an Invisible Microphone to help her find her voice, an Invisible Flashlight for when she’s feeling lost, an Invisible Net to catch her if she falls, and much more. Her pack is bottomless! The Invisible String is the very first thing that she puts in her pack—and each time she uses it, it gets bigger and better.

Patrice Karst, the bestselling author of the modern classic The Invisible String, gives readers the tools to confront every obstacle by teaching them to always hold onto their inner strength, to put on their Invisible Wings…and fly

About the Author

Patrice Karst is the author of the bestselling, contemporary classic children’s (and adults’!) book The Invisible String, which has sold over 1.5 million copies and been translated into fifteen languages. It is the story of the String (made out of love!) that connects us all.

The Invisible String book series offers children a tangible understanding of love and teaches the world about the String that “even though you can’t see it with your eyes, you can feel it in your heart and know that you are always connected to everyone you love.”

In addition to being shared by all ages as a gift for many of life’s milestone moments, it is also being used by schools, psychologists, hospices, grief groups, the military, hospitals, prison systems and countless organizations worldwide for any kind of loss or separation issues.

A leading title for healing, comfort, celebrations, bereavement and counseling of children and their families since its original publication in 2000, The Invisible String continues to soar because of its timeless message.

Patrice has been on a lifelong mission to share the message that this energy called love transcends time and space and is the most powerful force in all the universe.

Patrice has also written The Invisible Leash: An Invisible String Story Celebrating Love After the Loss of a Pet, The Invisible String Workbook: Creative Activities to Comfort, Calm and Connect, a therapeutic activity book co-written with Dana Wyss, Ph.D., The Invisible Web: An Invisible String Story Celebrating Love and Our Universal Connection, You Are Never Alone: An Invisible String Lullaby, The Smile that Went Around the World, The Invisible String Backpack and Ruby and Lonely.

Born in London, England, Patrice moved to the United States as a child, where she spent many a night pondering the meaning of life under the canopy of Stars, and has been on a fascinating creative and spiritual journey ever since.

The single mother of Elijah (now grown) lives near the beach in Ventura, California, where she is currently writing her memoir (and what a wild ride it has been!), working on more stories, and still gazing up in wonder at starry nights.

Patrice loves to hear from her readers! To find out more or to contact Patrice, go to

If you reach out–she promises to reach back!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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