The Loneliness Solution: Finding Meaningful Connection in a Disconnected World

Would you help me welcome the Artist Jack Eason and his book The Loneliness Solution: Finding Meaningful Connection in a Disconnected World. I was sent a copy of inside our Christmas Gift Guide.

You will find The Loneliness Solution: Finding Meaningful Connection in a Disconnected World inside our Christmas Gift Guide Shopping for: Women. As a women as I read through the description of the book I kept hearing myself say yes, this is me.

I’m Praying, hoping and believing The Loneliness Solution: Finding Meaningful Connection in a Disconnected World can help me break these habits and get out of my comfort zone and leave my house to make friends in person.


The Loneliness Solution: Finding Meaningful Connection in a Disconnected World by [Jack Eason]

Statistics show that, despite our connected world–and partly because of it–we are lonelier than ever. Social media tricks us into thinking that we are engaged in genuine friendships, except we never quite get beyond that feeling of being outside someone else’s life and looking in every so often at what they choose to show the world. Instead of intimacy we get little more than what amounts to digital small talk. But there is a solution.

With plenty of good humor and practical advice, Jack Eason invites you to discover the benefits of doing life together with other brothers and sisters in Christ. Grounding his message in Scripture, Eason helps you

– learn the obstacles to real community
– reimagine what real friendship looks like
– discover a place of true belonging
– and more

If you’re tired of feeling lonely, this encouraging and community-building book is just what you need.

Jack Eason

Jack Eason

Jack Eason serves nonprofit organizations throughout the United States and around the world as a consultant for fundraising, growth and development, board governance, and other areas of ministry leadership.

Jack is the Executive Stateside Director of Crossover CUPS Mission, a 501c3 nonprofit organization that has been privileged to serve the local Church and missions-related organizations around the world for 30 years.

Through the ministry of Crossover, Jack’s team led student camps on the East and West Coasts for many years. Jack also produced a nationally syndicated radio and television show aimed at students for over 15 years. Now the Crossover CUPS mission impacts the lives of families in the Dominican Republic and Malawi.

Jack is married to Lynette Eason (the real famous one in their family, an accomplished author) and is the father of Lauryn and Will. He and his family live in Simpsonville, SC. Jack loves Jesus, his family, sweet tea, and serving others.

In the last 15 years, God has used him to raise tens of millions of dollars for organizations like Christian radio, children’s homes, mission efforts, pregnancy centers, and more.

Whether it be raising funds for your upcoming special event or facilitating a training for your Staff and Board of Directors, Jack Eason not only has a heart to serve… he has the experience to connect and impact your team. Simply put, Jack gets results for the groups he speaks for!

Jack is passionate about helping people understand the impact we can have when we work TOGETHER.

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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