Things You Need to Know About Wearing Yoga Face Masks

Three more months left before the year ends, and there’s still no vaccine for the new coronavirus. This virus is still among us, and we must keep doing our part to help prevent the spread of the virus when we go out. Aside from social distancing, we also need to wear face masks whenever we’re in a public setting. You want to work out or attend your yoga class? Go ahead – but make sure to wear your yoga face masks all the time.

The CDC recommends wearing a face mask anytime you’re in a public setting, where social distancing can be challenging. Even commercial establishments today enforce people to wear their masks, otherwise, they won’t be allowed inside. While there really is no hard rule about when and where you need to wear them, you can expect social distancing to be challenging in the following places:

  • Buses, subways, and trains
  • Gas stations
  • Grocery stores
  • Pharmacies
  • Retail stores

So, if you’re going outdoors to exercise or do yoga, you should expect there to be plenty of space between you and other people. But it’s always better to be protected from this virus than be sorry and get sick. And you know what’s worse? It’s when you catch the virus and unknowingly spread it to your family, friends, and to everyone you interact with.

Yoga face masks help prevent you from spreading the virus to the entire yoga class inadvertently if you’re sick and don’t know it yet. So, think of your mask as a part of the new social contract between you and the people surrounding you. This is how we are supposed to be during this pandemic.

However, after wearing masks for a few months now, there are probably things you still don’t know yet. You’re in luck, because today, we will talk about the things you should know about yoga face masks.

5 things you should know about wearing yoga face masks in public

How should yoga face masks fit?

There are different types of face masks you can wear – surgical masks, N-95 masks, and cloth masks. However, not all of them can be used when doing physical activities like yoga. Cloth masks are breathable unlike the two others, which makes them perfect for physical activities. And for them to be effective, you need to make sure that you’re wearing it correctly. Make sure they have the following features:

  • They cover both your mouth and nose
  • They fit snug to your face, without affecting your ability to breathe
  • They remain secure at both the bridge of your nose and under your chin

If you have trouble breathing, then we don’t recommend you to wear a cloth face mask. Don’t put a face mask on a child if they’re under the age of 2, or if a person is unable to remove face masks without assistance.

Lastly, you need to avoid touching your mask when wearing it. But if you can’t avoid touching it when adjusting, make sure you wash your hands. And don’t let it rest on top of your forehead or drape around your neck.

Does wearing a yoga mask mean that it’s safe to stand closer than 6 feet to other people?

Cloth face masks have an added layer of protection to help reduce the spread of the coronavirus in spaces where social distancing can be challenging. However, your mask isn’t a replacement for social distancing. But instead, it’s only a supplement to social distancing.

Whenever you’re outside, in a public setting, you should practice both social distancing and wear your yoga face mask.

How do you remove your face mask properly?

When it comes to removing your yoga mask, you need to be sure that you’re doing it correctly. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Remove your mask using the bands or strings that secure it behind your ears.
  2. While you’re holding the bands or strings, fold the outside corners together.
  3. Put your mask away or wash it.

While removing your mask, always avoid touching any part of your face, especially your eyes, mouth, and nose. Wash your hands immediately afterward, or apply hand sanitizer.

How do you wash your mask, and how often do you do it?

The CDC recommends washing your face masks after every use, and you can wash it using a washing machine or by hand. If you’re using a washing machine, don’t be scared to wash it along with your regular laundry. Use your standard laundry detergent, with the warmest water your yoga mask can handle. But if you’re washing it by hand, make sure to soak it in bleach for at least five minutes. And then, rinse it thoroughly with water.

You want to make sure that your yoga mask dries completely after washing it. A damp cloth can welcome the growth of molds, so it would be best to dry it in your dryer. You can also hang it flat to dry (which is perfect in a space that receives direct sunlight).

Where should you store your yoga face masks?

Not a lot of people know what to do once they put their yoga face masks away. So, if you’re also wondering what to do with your mask when you’re not wearing it, then here’s what you need to do: store it in a cool, dry place.

For example, consider hanging it via its bands or tie strings from a hook by your door. This will help you remember to grab it before you leave your home. If you need to store it between uses during the day, consider carrying a disposable paper lunch bag where you can put it while it’s not being used.

When storing your mask, make sure that you follow these:

  • Choose a dry place where molds and mildew will not grow
  • Fold your face mask to make sure that the inner cloth that contacts your mouth stays protected from potentially contaminated surfaces.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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