Tips for a Successful Family Photo Shoot

Are you planning on getting family photos done this year? A family photo session is a great way to document your family in the current phase of life you’re in. Displaying family portraits in your home can help your children develop healthy levels of self-esteem. It allows them to embrace the fact that they belong and that they have value. Psychologists believe that pictures can send signals to a child’s brain that they are important members of a family unit. I’m Mattie, a family photographer based in San Diego. If you’re interested in a family photo session, the following tips will help you feel confident and prepared heading into your session!

  1. Let your children know a few days in advance that the photographer will be taking special photos of them and the whole family. Let them know what your expectations are for their behavior, but more importantly, let them know it will be fun.
  2. If napping is still a part of your child’s routine, stay on track. Don’t make any drastic adjustments to their schedule as it’s a sure sign “something is up” and young children don’t do well with schedule changes.
  3. Make sure everyone has had a meal or snack before the session. In fact, pack a simple snack bag with water and something for everyone. Make sure it’s not something that can stain their mouth, faces or clothing or is messy to eat. Mini marshmallows are a great choice!
  4. Give me a heads up of anything that might make your child laugh or feel comfortable with me. I am not afraid to look silly to get some authentic giggles!
  5. Don’t forget to bring a special toy or blanket in case they need a little comfort. Make sure it’s something you don’t mind being in the photo!
  6. Bribes can really help. Plan a fun outing as a family for your child to look forward to.
  7. Please, don’t stress. I know the feeling of wanting your session to go a certain way. With children involved; we never know what we will get. Just have fun and trust your photographer to capture your family beautifully. Everyone would rather have photos of you chasing after your child and having fun over them being upset because they were scolded.
  8. Lastly, it is important to arrive ready and on-time for your photo session. Photographers schedule sessions based on sunrise and sunset times, allotting just enough time to capture the best light of the day. As a family photographer, my goal is to capture your family at its best, authentic self and it definitely helps to come a little prepared. A photographer will assist you with natural poses and direction during the session so don’t worry if you’re not completely comfortable in front of a camera. A photographer’s job is to capture you naturally, so you have beautiful images to last for years to come.\

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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