Top 5 Reasons Businesses Need a Phone Answering Service 

Top 5 Reasons Businesses Need a Phone Answering Service 

One of the best investments you can make for your business is a phone answering service. It comes with many benefits for your business that make it inevitable for success. It is primal to business growth and can help make a terrific first impression with clients. 

A phone answering service is like a virtual receptionist that handles all incoming calls. With this, you and the entire staff can focus on other vital things. Such services provide reliable customer service access round the clock. 

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Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels

The nature and experience of the receptionist handling your incoming calls can often determine if you will close deals or not. You can delegate this to the professional with a business answering service, ensuring all calls are handled with utmost professionalism. 

Here are further reasons every business will benefit from a phone answering service or click fraud.

Availability Round the Clock 

A phone answering service ensures you are available round the clock. This enables you to take care of all clients, irrespective of when they call. Since different time zone exists around the world, some clients might contact you at odd hours. A business phone answering service ensures you never miss such opportunities. 

The fact that your business closes its door for the day doesn’t mean you should not be available to clients. A professional call answering service helps ensure you have access to all critical calls and messages. This gives you a competitive advantage and sets you apart from your competition. 

Saves Time and Money

Small businesses need to look for every possible way to cut costs, which can be possible via having a phone answering service. It removes the need to hire a full-time receptionist, eliminates the need for salary, vacation pay, and other benefits. Also, you are spared from committing time and resources to train any new employee on your business process. 

In addition to the cost-saving aspect, working with a skilled business phone answering service, you need not worry about training or micromanaging them. 

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Photo by Anthony Shkraba from Pexels

Stop Missing Important Business Calls

How many important business calls have you missed because you were closed, unavailable, or busy with other things. Yet, it can be frustrating to handle every critical task when you run a small business, and struggling to keep up with all incoming calls can be frustrating. 

A trained and experienced virtual receptionist handling your call will ensure you don’t miss important business calls. Besides, they already have the training to deal with leads, complain, and provide clients with satisfying answers. 

This is not about leaving your virtual receptionist to handle every call based on chance. Ideally, you will have provided them with a script that serves as your call handler, including your business name and every essential information they need to be effective on the job. 

Improve Your Company’s Professional Image

The last thing you want for your business is someone handling your calls in a rude and unprofessional manner or even giving clients wrong information. However, you can completely stay on top of all calls by enlisting a business phone answering service. 

Since it is your business, you can record all messages to ensure it reflects professionalism. The type of professionalism that you get from working with an in-house receptionist cannot be compared to what a virtual receptionist will offer you. In a case when the receptionist is having a bad day or has a challenge, you are gambling on their ability to comport themselves and deliver a satisfactory service. 

However, gambling on your customer service experience, which determines the client’s impression of your business, is a mistake you don’t want to make. Many customers will likely stop patronizing a company after a poor customer service experience, as explained by an article on Forbes. As a result, your phone answering service can either make or break your business. 

Besides, since a call answering service has an automated menu, it allows clients and customers to precisely get where they need to be for relevant help from the team. This improves your professionalism as a business, boosting your company’s image. 

Work with Remote Team Effectively

Thanks to the pandemic, remote operation has been on the increase. Even though the pandemic is over, many companies have adopted remote working as it saves costs and comes with a series of advantages over the traditional office. The low employee costs involved is one of the significant benefits of remote working. 

When customers work from home, however, communication can be a challenge for the team. You can’t be sure if a single phone system will work when thousands of miles separate your team.

A phone answering service, however, bridges this gap. Your business gets a single customer care line, and when they call, they can be linked to the specific person they need to contact, no matter the location.  Such service is beneficial to a remote team as it ensures every caller gets directed to the particular individual or department they need to contact. Since all calls are routed automatically, the location does not matter.

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Photo by Yan Krukov from Pexels


You are surcharging yourself significantly if you haven’t enlisted the services of a virtual receptionist for your phone answering service. It comes with many benefits that will make your business stand out. Also, it can be one of the best decisions for your team.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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