Trying To Lose Weight

I’ve been trying to lose weight I’ve gained over the years. Which is never easy but I keep trying. Especially when neither David or I want to cook in the Summer because it’s to hot inside our home.

We don’t have Central Heat & Air but water coolers which doesn’t cool our home down. We end up eating out all of the time . I hate this because it makes eating healthy foods harder.

I’m proud to share with you 8 charts which will help you will help you compare Fast Food Calories.  I cant wait to print this chart out to bring when eating out.

Having these 8 Charts Will show me the foods I should and shouldn’t be eating. Helping me lose the weight I need to lose and helping me become more healthy.

calorie comparison - french fries

I have a question for you can you have McDonald’s without ordering fries? I’m happy to find out McDonald’s Fries has less calories out of all the companies listed.

I would like to invite you to check out  8 Charts  which will help you compare fast food choices. Once you check the chart out I would like to ask you to come back and let me know which one you most can relate to and why?

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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