Ultimate Blog Challenge April 2020 Day 19

Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Challenge April 2020 Day 19. If I had gotten this post done on the 19th which is when it should have been posted it would have been a Friday.

55 best OM images on Pinterest | Yoga art, Yoga meditation ...

But as usual I didn’t get it down and I am still a couple days behind but I am not going to let that stop me. I am going to catch up somehow and someway sometime this week.

The post asked us to share a piece of advice you and all I could think of is no, matter how bad things are they will get better we can’t give up even though its hard not to.

For those of us having to teach our children remember they don’t understand what is going on and not going to school is confusing for them. We don’t know everything as parents and that is OK.

Just go slow take a lot of breaks and remember Rome wasn’t built in a day. There is going to be things you don’t know how to do and that is fine. Ask questions online and I am sure someone will help you.


Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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