Ultimate Blog Challenge April 2020 Day 9

Well, I am just one day behind thank the Lord. I can’t believe Sunday is Easter. We did our Easter dinner last night because David was off and he has to work on Sunday.


On Sunday were going to color and hunt eggs in our home. Once dinner finished were going to take dinner down to Granny Sherry’s to her and Papa. While there she is going to hide eggs for Charlie.

Being older they can’t get out to go to the store and we have been going for them. Charlie has been ta dream trip taking care of her flowers so they don’t have to go outside. We also have to take care of Penny and her Lizard as well.

This mornings challenge they asked us to share were we would like to travel. For me I don’t have anywhere since Suzzie is gone as I wanted to go to Hawaii with her.

Or down Route 66 and end up in Mississippi at Graceland. David wants to go to Orlando. Charlie doesn’t have anywhere he wants to travel that I know of so this morning in school were going to discuss a trip and where would you like to go and why?

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