Ultimate Blog Challenge Day #2

I was going through emails this morning I started to panic as I didn’t see the tips for today’s post. You can post about anything and not use the tips we are sent through the Ultimate Blog Challenge I always like to see their suggestions as it helps me plan my post.

Today they suggested we do write about the following:

Your customers and clients have questions that come in on a regular basis and now is the perfect time to write a new FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions, post for them to refer to allowing them to find the answers to there questions. 

You can then take the information from your blog post and put it on your website, your eCommerce store, or, wherever your clients come to see you.

Not blogging for business? You can still write an FAQ type post related to whatever you write about most!

Yes, I do run a business as I have 2 Blogs as well as being a Tupperware Consultant and also Avon. Plus, I will be setting up a Radio Show soon. Along with the local Wrestling Matches, I manage. As well as the charity events I set up for the American Legion.

So if I was to do a FAQ page, I would suggest you find one thing you enjoy and stick to it. Don’t make on the mistake I made and find quite a few things you enjoy doing. Otherwise, you will be running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

It is time for me to start weeding things out and as I do I will set down and set Goals for each so I can stay on track and focused otherwise, I will never grow into the business women I want to be.

If you have a FAQ page would you share a link to it so I can come to check it out as I need all the suggestions I can get as what I want to keep the most is the blog, and now that I am opening the second blog I want to make sure I can do them justice.

All though my Goal this year is to fully Rely on God and to write for myself and my readers and not to worry about my STATS. Today is a brand new day in a brand new year and yes, I am ready for it.


Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates