Ultimate Blog Challenge January 6th Day 6

God always has a plan for us and even though we might not know what that plan is I know its time to take a step back and breath. I didn’t get a tip for today’s post in the Ultimate Blog Challenge for Day 6.

I have to believe that was the LORDS will to remind me there is life outside this challenge and my blog. I was able to take the day off and spend it with my family.

I regrouped and Prayed and thought about what I would like to do this year both in my blog and my personal life. After talking to David and Charlie I knew I didn’t want to quit blogging and no, matter what happens this year I am here to stay.

I have also learned through losing my dad in December that family always comes first and work can and will wait. Challenges I sign up for aren’t as important as my health and exercising to lose the weight I need to lose so I will be here to see Charlie grow up.

I may let people down including my friends and family but I am back and I am staying. I would like to let you know I appreciate you all and I am grateful that you come here and check out my site.

If I can ever do anything for you please just ask me. In the meantime have a Blessed week and a wonderful year. Come share with me your plans and goals for the New Year.

I love you,

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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