Ultimate Blog Challenge May 2nd, 2021

Well, if I was posting this on the correct day it would be day two in May. But here I am playing catch-up and its May 5th. Lordy Lordy I am never ever going to catch up…

Prayers Needed - Dawson McAllister Association

Especially with David off all day tomorrow. KATY, LOCK AND BARRE THE DOOR to keep Charlie and David out of my office. Please let it be a DRAMA FREE day so I can get as much done as possible because we taking my sister out for her Birthday.

Don’t let me get to tired for this cold or what ever I have that I don’t feel like going with them. Please let Charlie rest tonight so he will be in a decent mood.

In the Lords name I ask all these things.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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