Ultimate Keto Cookbook

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David was kind enough to purchase the Ultimate Keto Cookbook for. I wanted to try out the Keto Diet. Although I never took the time to sit down and read Ultimate Keto Cookbook because the Keto Diet was confusing. Even though there were lots of Keto Groups on Facebook I couldn’t find a Facebook group that felt right for me.

January 5th, 2024 National Keto Day #nationalketoday and National Bird Day #nationalbirday
January 5th, 2024 National Keto Day #nationalketoday and National Bird Day #nationalbirday

I did have a lady that was going to help me start my Keto Diet journey. The lady got busier and busier. I hated to bother her. I put Ultimate Keto Cookbook in the closet. Which wasn’t helping anyone and it was wasting the money David spent on the Ultimate Keto Cookbook. I decided to get Ultimate Keto Cookbook out this weekend and to read Ultimate Keto Cookbook.

Once I’m done if I still feel the Keto Diet isn’t correct for me I will find somewhere to donate the Ultimate Keto Cookbook to. Then someone else will have the chance to use the cookbook and become healthier in there food choices. If they are like me they will be able to lose weight they’ve been wanting to lose.

About the book:

This book is filled with all the recipes you need for a ketogenic diet. There is also an introduction describing the keto diet, why it works, and how you should follow it. The keto diet is an extremely low-carb diet, usually followed for a short time followed by a longer period of regular low-carb dieting.

Chapters include: Breakfast; Snacks; Lunch; Salads and Soups; Beef, Pork and Lamb; Poultry; Fish and Seafood; Vegetables and Sides.
Each recipe is accompanied by a color photo and nutritional analysis.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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