Unique Holidays: April 26th, 2022

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: April 26th, 2022. Did you know today is hug an Australian Day? I didn’t and I can’t celebrate today because I don’t know any Australian’ and I don’t have a Kola bear to hug. Do you have one or do you know a Australian you could hug for Charlie and I?

Hug an Australian Day

Image result for Hug an Australian Day

It’s Hug an Australian Day and we should go ahead and give a big bear hug to any and Australians. Showing an Australian how much you love them. This is a great opportunity for you to do your part in improving international relations. Hugs benefit the receiver as well as the giver.

Go ahead. Give an Australian a hug today which will do you both good! 

IKoala Bears come from Australia and if you have a Koala Bear, give them a big hug.

History and Origin of “Hug an Australian Day”:

Hug an Australian Day is a copyrighted holiday which was created and is provided, courtesy of the great folks at  Wellcat.com

National Pretzel Day

National Pretzel Day Flyer

National Pretzel Day celebrates Pretzels of all shapes and sizes.

I would like to ask you a question. How do you like your Pretzel? Thick or thin? Straight or twisted? Crisp and crunchy, or soft? Salted, or Unsalted? How about Mustard flavored? There’s no shortage of Pretzels. If you are having trouble deciding which Pretzel to have, we suggest you mix a bunch of Pretzels in a big bowl and grab a handful.

 Pretzels are believed to be the world’s oldest snack. Pretzels date back to 610AD in Southern France. Catholic Monks baked thin strips of Dough into the shape of a child’s arms folded in Prayer. Add a little salt, and the Pretzel industry was born.  

While Pretzels were first baked in France, Pretzels have been popular in German bakeries for hundreds of years. In the U.S., the first Pretzel was baked in 1850 in Lititz, Pa., by Julius Sturgis.

History and Origin of “National Pretzel Day”:

We found some unconfirmed reference to this Holiday being proclaimed as a National l Day in 1983. In 2003, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell also issued a proclamation on Pretzel Day.

 Richter Scale Day

Image result for Richter Scale Day

If you are a little shaky or are experiencing tremors, today its Richter Scale Day.

Richter Scale Day celebrates the birth of the inventor of the Richter Scale. Born on April 26, 1900, American Seismologist Charles F. Richter (1900–1985) invented the Richter Scale in 1935.

The Richter Scale measures the amount of energy released by an Earthquake by measuring the magnitude or seismic waves produced by an earthquake. The Richter Scale measures from 0 to 9. On the scale, each increase in number represents an Earthquake 10 times more powerful. At 4.5 an earthquake can damage buildings and structures. At 7 on the Richter scale, severe and catastrophic damage can occur.

Deadliest/ Strongest Earthquakes:

August 24, 70: Mount Vesuvius, Italy erupts, burying Pompeii and Herculaneum. Thousands killed.

January 23, 1556: Shaanxi province, China. Deadliest earthquake in history kills 830,000 people.

April 18, 1906: The famous San Francisco earthquake and fire. 7.8 on the Richter scale.

Recent Major Earthquakes:

December 26, 2004: An earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia creates the deadliest Tsunami in history. The waves reach numerous Asian and African countries. More than 225,000 killed, millions homeless.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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