Unique Holidays: August 13th, 2021

Good morning, how are you? I wanted to share our series sharing Unique Holidays: August 13th, 2021 with you. Take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most would like to celebrate and why.

Blame Someone Else Day – first  Friday the 13th of the year.


I must tell you in my home Blame someone else day happens and a lot and if you have children I am sure you’ve deal with this as well. And I can tell you as a child I did this and at times as a adult I still do even though I know its wrong. But what can I say other than I am HUMAN….

What a great time you can have on this day. Imagine all the problems, errors, and mistakes you could put on someone else today. On this Holiday you don’t have to take responsibility, or the blame, for any Faux Pas on your part. On the downside, this day comes as a double edged sword. While you are busy putting the blame elsewhere, someone might just be putting the blame on you!

So…….if ther is somethin wrong whif the spellin of this artickle, it’s not my fallt…..its’ yers.

Blame Someone Else Day could just be your day. But, watch out….. any blame you place today, can come back to bite you tomorrow. After all…what comes around goes around.

History and Origin of Blame Someone Else Day:

We discovered no substantial information about the origin of this Holiday. In the spirit of the day, we will tell you that it wasn’t us. We’ll put the blame on someone else for starting this day.

We put the blame on Anne Moeller of Clio, Michigan for creating this day. On the first Friday the 13th of 1982, Anne’s alarm clock did not go off, and she over slept. As a result, she was late for appointments all day long. According to the story, she spent the day spreading the blame, and making excuses for being late

Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th in 2021/2022 - When, Where, Why, How is Celebrated?

Friday the 13th occurs from  one to three times a year. Bad luck is associated with Friday the 13th. It’s important to many people to know what days of the year Friday the 13th falls on. This allows those of us who are Superstitious, to bury our heads in the sand for the day.

I have a question for you. Are you superstitious? Then, Friday the 13th is a day you may look forward to with fear! Friday the 13th, is an unlucky day, a day when bad things can happen. Whatever you do, don’t walk under a ladder, and don’t let a black cat cross your path on this day.

Before you ask me no, I am not superstitious and neither is Charlie. But I can tell you David and also my mom are. You should see what happens in a Black Cat crosses in front of there paths.

Throughout most of recorded history, the number 13 has been seen as an unlucky number. If you live in fear of the number 13, you suffer from Triskaidekaphobia. 

Historically, and perhaps a bit oddly in today’s world, Friday has been viewed as an unlucky day of the week. We find this hard to fathom. After all, Friday is TGIF!! However, in days gone by, when you put the unlucky day of Friday, together with the unlucky #13, many people believe only bad things can happen.

Interestingly, there is a sizable number of optimists, who embrace Friday the 13th and the number 13. They shrug off Superstition and go buy lottery tickets with the number 13 in it.

For many who never gave it a thought, Jason in the movie “Friday, the 13th” (1980) made believers in the fearfulness of this day.

Friday the 13th Trivia:

  • Many buildings and Skyscrapers do not have a 13th floor.
  • Many people will not allow 13 people at the table. If there is exactly 13 people present, a second table is set up.
  • Skippers would not go out to Sea with a crew of 12. Including the Captain, that made 13 people.
  • Ancient Mayans of Central America were the most advanced Culture in all of the Americas. They considered the number 13 sacred.

Like any other special or wacky day, we encourage you to fully embrace the day and have fun with it. But, don’t cower in your room in fear of this day. You’d miss all of the fun and excitement!

History and Origin of Friday the 13th:

In biblical references, its believed that Cain killed Abel on Friday the 13th. Were not sure how this was determined, because Calendars were unlikely to have been in existence back then.

We do know with certainty, the ancient Babylonian Code of Hammurah omitted the #13 in it’s list of laws. Written in 1,700 B.C., it suggests ancient Babylonians considered the #13 to be unlucky.


Left Hander’s Day

Southpaws unite! August 13 marks International Left-Handers Day

I have a question for you this morning, Are you or someone you know Left Handed? I am and so was Suzzane and also my dad’s mom was. But no, one else in my family is Left Handed.

Did you know if your Left Handed that you are a Leftie? Making Left Handers Day just for you!

Left Handers, are commonly referred to as Southpaws, and they are the brunt of more than their share of jokes all year long. How do I know? Yup, you guessed it! It isn’t easy being a leftie. But those of us who are, would have it no other way. Lefties are proud of it.

The world is built for right handers. Examples are everywhere. For example:

In school, have you ever seen a left handed desk? They don’t exist.
Many left handed items cost more.
Novelty coffee mugs are made with the picture or text for a right handed pick-up.
Scissors for right handers. Only a Lefty would understand this.
The computer mouse you are using as you read this is designed for right handers.
Did you Know? Right handed people operate in the left side of the brain. Left handed people use the right side. Therefore, only left handed people are in their right mind.

Left Hander’s certainly earned the right to have a day dedicated to them. August 13th is that day. Take a minute to appreciate your left handed friends and loved ones. Don’t forget to send them a Left Handed Day Ecard to show your respect.

Remember today and every day: “Lefties have rights!”

As lefthanders, we never do anything right….kewl!

Left Handed Facts and Trivia:

Sinistrophobia is the fear of left-handedness or things on the left side.
While many people are left handed, very few are 100% left handed. For example, many Left handers golf and bat right handed. On the other hand, there is a high percentage of righties who are 100% right-handed.
Lefties are also called “southpaws”. The term was coined in baseball to describe a left handed pitcher.
Tuesdays are Lefties lucky day.
Only about 10% of the population is left handed.
During the 1600’s people, thought left handers were Witches or Warlocks.
International Left Hander’s Day was first celebrated on August 13, 1976. Started by Lefthander’s International.
History is filled with famous left handed people, including: Julius Caesar, Aristotle, Alexander the Great, Mahatma Gandhi, Joan of Arc, Napoleon Bonaparte, Lord Baden-Powell, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles.
Presidential Lefthanders: James A. Garfield, Herbert Hoover, Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
Famous notorious left handers include: Osama bin Laden, Boston Strangler, and Jack the Ripper
They say everyone was born right handed, and only the greatest overcome being right handed.
There is a town in West Virginia, where everyone is a Left Hander! That town is Left Hand, WV. I wonder if I should move there?
Did you know its believed that Polar Bears are left handed. Also see check out Polar Bear Day.
Left handed people are more likely to suffer insomnia. Now, that will keep me up at night! I can tell you I do suffer and so did Suzzie.
There is a rumor that Octopuses have but one right hand. Scientists are diligently studying this issue.
Left handed people process information more quickly.
Left handed college graduates have a 26% greater chance of becoming rich. I’m all for that! Only problem is I didn’t go to College. Did you?
Think about it: Everyone is a Left Hander in Left Hand, West Virginia.

History and Origin of Left Hander’s Day

Dean R. Campbell, founder of Left Handers International, created this Holiday which was first celebrated on August 13, 1976.

There is some false reference on the Internet, suggesting that Left Hander’s Day is in January and it seemed to appear around 2010-2012. This is incorrect. We suspect someone wanted to create this day in January, but did not do their homework to find out that it already exists.

There is also one or two sites that call it “National Left Handers Day”. These references began around 2017, and are incorrect. The celebration of Left Handers is a world wide event.

National Kool-Aid Day – second Friday in August

I love Kool-Aid and so does Charlie. He has been asking me to pick up Grape or Tropical Punch to make for us this week. Although, Charlie and I both like making our own Kool-Aid there is times when I will pick up
Kool-Aid Jammers Tropical for Charlie.

We are so glad someone declared today to be National Kool-Aid Day. Giving millions of us a chance to reminisce back to the days of our childhood, and remember how much we enjoyed Koo-Aid on a hot Summer day. Kool-Aid was our favorite sugary soft drink.

For decades Kool-Aid was the Summer drink of choice for kids of all ages. Never mind the fact that a pitcher of Kook-Aid contains a cup of Sugar. Back then, kids burned off calories faster than they could consume them. But, let’s not limit our thinking to days long past. Kool-Aid continues to be enjoyed by millions of today’s kids, as they build their own future memories. There’s plenty of “not so young” kids who frequently drink Kool-Aid as well, brining back fond memories of fun filled Summer days.

During the Great Depression the company cut the price in half. As a result, Kook-Aid remained popular throughout the Great Depression. During WWII packages of Kool-Aid, minus the brand name, were included in Soldier’s rations. Here’s a little trivia for Monkees fans, Davey Jones appeared in the Kool-Aid commercials during the 1960s. Do you remember that?

While Summer is the peak time to drink Kool-Aid, its consumed 12 months of the year. Kool-Aid is great for everyday consumption, and is a whole lot cheaper than juice boxes. Kool-Aid is also popular at birthday parties and all kinds of kids events. You can also enjoy Kool-Aid in Freeze Pops, Cakes and other recipes.

Memory Flashback: Do you remember the 1960’s cartoon Kool-Aid Kids”? I didn’t and neither did Charlie or David.

Kool-Aid was invented in 1927 by Edwin Perkins of Hastings, Nebraska. According to the good folks at Kraft Foods, Perkins was inspired by the success of Jell-O and Coca Cola. Kool-Aid was originally created in his mother’s kitchen as a concentrate called “Fruit Smack”.

To reduce shipping costs, Perkins removed the Water content and marketed it in powder form as “Kool-Aid”. And, the rest is history. What’s your favorite flavor?  There were six original flavors: Cherry, Grape, Lemon, Orange, Root Beer and Raspberry (Perkin’s favorite).

In the 1960s Kool-Aid packets sold for just a dime. Over the years, there has been dozens upon dozens of flavors. Including a Sugar Free version is also available. But, wait a minute. What good is Kool-Aid if you don’t get a Sugar high!?

Did you know Kool-Aid is the official soft drink of the state of Nebraska? I didn’t know that but I am going to find someone from Nebraska and ask them why.

Chances are, it’s hot an muggy outside. Don’t let National Kool-Aid Day go by, without having a drink of Kool-Aid under a shady tree. Make a pitcher for the kids, and have a tall glass yourself!

History and Origin of National Kool-Aid Day:

National Kool-Aid Day likely was created by Kraft Foods, the owner and marketer of the Kool-Aid brand. The earliest reference we found on this Holiday was 2017.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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