Unique Holidays: December 2nd, 2022

Before David gets home and I sign off for the night I wanted to share Unique Holidays: December 2nd, 2022. Today is National Roof over Your Head Day. I don’t know about you but I am so happy and blessed to announce I have a roof over my head. What about you?

Unique Holidays: December 24, 2022
Unique Holidays: December 3rd, 2022: National Roof over Your Head Day

 National Roof over Your Head Day

Today is National Roof Over Your Head Day a day of appreciation for the things we have, starting with the roof over our heads. Even if it’s not a great house, as long as the roof keeps you warm and dry, you are better off than those who are homeless in the world.

For most of us, a roof over our heads signifies living in a house that protects us from the elements, keeping us warm, dry, and cozy. Unfortunately, not everyone is as lucky as you. There are many homeless people right here in our Country. Some people live in a cardboard box on the street There are millions of people around the world who live in poverty or disaster areas and do not have a home to keep them comfortable and safe.

There are over 500,000 homeless people in the United States and millions around the world.

How to Celebrate National Roof Over Your Head Day

  • Spend a few minutes being thankful that you are not homeless and appreciating your roof today.
  • Contribute to a homeless shelter, then others can come in out of the rain or snow.
  • If you have the space take in a homeless person which could be a family member in need. of your help. 

Despite our diligent efforts, we have yet to find who created Roof Over Your Head Day and we didn’t find information about National Roof Over Your Head Day.

Our first research of National Roof Over Your Head Day in the early 2000s, and follow-up research in the early 2020s, found no congressional records or presidential proclamations proclaiming this to be a true “National” Holiday. 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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