Unique Holidays: December 4th, 2022

Welcome to our series celebrating Unique Holidays: December 4th, 2022. I am excited to share todays Holidays which includes Santa’s List Day. I don’t know about you but I am not so sure I will be on the nice list. I can hope I am though and so can you.

Unique Holidays: December 24, 2022
Unique Holidays: December 4th, 2022

 Santa’s List Day – we hope you are on the “Nice” list- always observed on December 4th

Today is Santa’s List Day and we all know Santa Claus has a “Nice List” and a “Naughty List”. You never want to get on the naughty list. Have you been good all year or have you been naughty? Or, have you been nice? Santa knows the answer. Santa always knows. Santa, with the help of his Elves, creates the first draft of these lists by December 4th each year.

Thanks to the hard work of his Elves, Santa Claus creates and updates the two lists. The short list contains the names of a few children who have been naughty. A much longer list is filled with the names of children who have been good all year long.

Santa’s Elves are everywhere, checking up on children all over the world, to see who has been naughty, and who has been nice. Don’t try to see them, they are very clever in hiding as they watch to see who is naughty and who is nice. Did you know Elves are watching all of the time. Elves help Santa Claus to update the “Naughty List” and the “Nice List”.  Changes are made to the list as needed, all the way up to about an hour before Santa leaves in his sled to deliver toys to children on the “Nice List.”

Which list are you on? Kids make sure to be especially good around the holidays. That’s when parents need children to be on their best behavior, as they are busy preparing for the holidays.

How to Celebrate Santa’s List Day

  • You should do everything you can to get onto Santa’s “Good List”.
  • If you think you are on the “Bad List” you still have time to make attempts to atone for the naughty things you did. Be extra good between now and Christmas.
  • Help mom and dad around the house because the Christmas Season is a busy one for everyone.

The History and Origin of Santa’s List Day

We have it on good authority, that Santa’s List Day was created at the North Pole. We interviewed Santa, and a few of his top Elves. They tell us that they strive to make the first draft of Santa’s “Naughty” and “Nice” lists by this day. Then, they review and adjust the list, all the way to Christmas Eve. Kids, you’d better be good, because Santa’s Elves are watching you.

Santa told us that doing extra chores, or something special to help out around the house between now and Christmas, will get you off the “Naughty” list, and onto the “Nice” list. 

 Wear Brown Shoes Day– always observed on December 4th

Are you tired of wearing the same color of shoes day after day? Wear Brown Shoes Day is today. Black is by far the most popular shoe color. White is popular for Summer or sneakers. We just don’t turn to brown footwear very often. You might not even have any kind of brown footwear.

It is very easy to participate in Wear Brown Shoes Day. Just dust off that seldom-worn pair of brown shoes and put ’em on your feet.  Brown boots, loafers, sandals, slippers, sneakers, or any other brown-colored footwear will do. Don’t tiptoe around. Wear them wherever you go.

In case you didn’t know the sock color of the day is brown.

How to Celebrate Wear Brown Shoes Day

  • Wear brown footwear: shoes, sandals, or slippers today.
  • If you don’t have a pair of brown shoes then you should purchase a pair of brown shoes.
  • Know someone in need? Purchase them a new pair of shoes, brown ones.

History and Origin of Wear Brown Shoes Day

Wear Brown Shoes Day was likely created by someone who was tired of wearing the same old black shoes. Or perhaps, it was the dress code theme of a school day event. Until we find the creator of Wear Brown Shoes Day, we can only guess.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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