Unique Holidays: July 1st, 2021

Good morning, and welcome to a brand new month. As I plan what Charlie will be studying this morning I wanted to bring you Unique Holidays: July, 2021.

Cell Phone Courtesy Month

Courtesy Month (@CourtesyMonth) | Twitter

We all know the situation: being subjected to someone else’s conversation while in a public space. Speaking on a cell phone makes some of us forget our manners! I would like to ask you to celebrate Cell Phone Courtesy Month by following these tips for cell phone etiquette.

1) When your in a meeting, don’t check your phone constantly for texts or emails. Concentrate on the people you are with.

2) Set your cell phone to silent or vibrate when in a courtroom, theatre, or place of worship.

3) Don’t embarrass yourself; if you need to make a call which you know is going to get intense and emotional, save the call for when your somewhere private. The rest of the world doesn’t need to know about your relationship issues!

4) Finally, check your personal volume control. It’s all too easy to start yelling into your cellphone. Everyone in your vicinity will appreciate your good manners in avoiding “cell yell”!

5) If your having dinner in a restaurant turn your cell phone off no, one wants to hear you on the phone while there trying to enjoy dinner with there families.

Remember its okay to not be on our phones 24/7. Our families would like to have our undivided attention at times. In fact leave your Cell Phone at home the next time you go out with the family.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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