Unique Holidays: November 2nd, 2021

Good morning, welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: November 2nd, 2021. I would like to ask you to check out the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which one you most want to celebrate and why. For Charlie and I we think we will make Deviled Eggs while we right our Epitaph. Would you like to join us in our celebration?

All Soul’s Day

Image result for All Soul's Day

 November 2 but the Holiday can also be November 3rd if the 2nd falls on a Sunday.

This is the Christian Holiday of All Soul’s Day which pays respect and remembers the souls of friends and loved ones who have died and gone to Heaven. A time to pray for their souls that they may be received into Heaven. Upon death, it is believed Souls have not yet been cleansed of sin. Praying for the Souls of loved ones helps to remove the stain of sin, and allow the souls to enter the pearly gates of Heaven. Did you know All Souls Day was started in 998.

Sometimes people will pray to their lost loved ones. Asking ask for special favors.

All Souls Day is sometimes called the “Day of the Dead”.

More Information:

New Advent: All Souls Day

Dio De Los Muertos the Mexican celebration of the dead.

Day of the Dead

Deviled Egg Day

National Deviled Eggs Day  is today. All you Devils, must go forth and prepare Deviled Eggs on this Holiday.

The whole purpose of this Holiday, is to make and eat Deviled Eggs. Use your favorite recipe, or find a restaurant serving Deviled Eggs.

Make sure you make plans on getting your fill of Deviled Eggs.

Look for Circles Day

Image result for Look for Circles Day

Look For Circles Day  is today. Go search of circles and we suspect you will find circles everywhere. Looking for circles, is a lot like swimming in a round pool. You go round and round creating lots of splashing. But, you don’t get anywhere.

Now, I have a question for you. Did you find lots of circles? I knew you would and I hope that your search has made you very happy.

Plan Your Epitaph Day

Image result for Plan Your Epitaph Day

This Holiday is April 6th or November 2nd.

Today is plan Your Epitaph Day which is a little bit morbid and our first thought was who would create this Holiday? And, why?

When you stop to think about it, maybe it’s best if you do create your Epitaph because you never know what a relative or friend may put on your tombstone. Or, worse what if they “don’t” say anything?  

While we’re young, we think this is a long ways away. As we age, more of us consider getting directly involved with our epitaph.

If you need a little nudge to plan your epitaph, let today be the day.

History and Origin of “Plan Your Epitaph Day”:

We believe Lance Hardie is the creator of Plan Your Epitaph Day and the author of How to Write Your Own Epitaph — and Live Long Enough to Enjoy It

The Holiday was established November 2nd coincide with the Day of the Dead.

 There is also a lot of reference to this Holiday being celebrated on April 6th. However, we found no explanation for this date.

U.S. General Election Day – first Tuesday of the month after first Monday of month

Image result for U.S. General Election Day

The U.S. General Election is held on the first Tuesday AFTER the first Monday in November. By definition, it will never be on the first of November.

Get out and vote today because its your right and duty as an American Citizen. Voting is a revolution… a peaceful one, where majority rules!!

Once every four years, we get the opportunity to elect a new President. Every six years, we elect our U.S. Senators. U.S. Congressman are elected every two years. Which ones are you going to vote for and why? This peaceful revolution, allows us to retain good elected officials, and overturn those whose performance is poor. Whose beliefs do not match the majority of the people of this Country. While Democracy may not be perfect, it’s better than any other type of Government on the planet. Offering us freedom and safeguards that do not exist in many other Countries.

Our founding fathers had the wisdom to create a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. It is every American’s right and privilege, to vote. We hope you exercise your right on this Holiday, to vote for the candidate of your choice.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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