Charlie wanted a camera for Christmas

Charlie and I was up early discussing the Blog. Charlie was telling me how he wants to help by taking pictures and sharing articles on Social Media. Right before Christmas I had thought about getting Charlie a because in the past Charlie had asked for one.

Once again David had other plans and David wants to wait until till Income Tax comes in. Charlie was getting so many Gifts for Christmas and his Birthday that the camera might get lost or tossed around when Charlie began opening the other gifts.

I was out looking for items for Charlie’s Stocking I knew I wanted new and unusual items and no candy. We went into a store and to tell you the truth I do not even remember which one it was, but I found Charlie a keychain camera made by VistaQuest 1.3MP Digital Camera. Even though David said to wait. I picked this up for Charlie’s Stocking and I’m glad I did because Charlie loves the keychain.

Charlie and Alex the cat

We will be able to use the camera in Charlie’s homeschool classes. Which I didn’t even think about when I picked the keychain up. David did as he asked me about Charlie taking pictures of the Robots he builds and writing reports on them. I knew even though David didn’t want Charlie to have a camera that that was his way of saying getting it was OK.

Once Christmas Eve came, I went ahead and let Charlie open the key chain and I’m so glad I did because Charlie has been taking all kinds of pictures with the camera and telling me way’s he can use the camera for school and also to help me with the blog with.  I knew the camera was a huge hit.

Even David says he wishes he had gotten himself the key chain camera which he could use at work to take pictures of the items David is working on. with Valentine’s right around the corner I’m thinking I will research VistaQuest online and run out and pick up a camera for David.

Who knew I might even grab one of the keychain cameras for me and my sister. Debbie can take pictures of her grandbabies and not always use her phone. Which fills up the memory and Debbie has to delete pictures to add new ones which means she isn’t able to keep the photos. Debbie has no way to delete these photos off her phone. With the camera from VistaQuest it will free up her memory on her phone.

If you’re like me and take a lot of pictures you can purchase a SD Memory Card for memory expansion and that means you can take more pictures. To me that is a huge plus because I can do videos on my VistaQuest

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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