What are Lapbooks?

What are Lapbooks?

A lapbook, Lakbook, layer book, flap book, or shutter book is a type of single-subject book created by a student, generally as a supplement to a curriculum. A lap book generally consists of a paperboard folder such as a file folder with small pieces of folded paper glued inside. Wikipedia

I have a question for you this morning have you used Lapbooks in your classroom? I have heard more and more about Lapbooks, but I wasn’t sure what they were or how they work. Or even which subjects Lapbooks would cover. Then this morning when I was on Facebook, there was a post about a website which sells Lapbooks. I took the time to check out their website A Journey Through Learning featuring Educational Lapbooks.

I visited the website and at first I was lost and confused and didn’t know what I was looking for but after just a couple minutes of sitting and looking through the site, I felt calmer. I went through each tab and ready everything I could find that would explain what Lapbooks are and how we put them together. After seeing how lapbooks work now, I am hooked and can’t wait to order Lapbooks for Charlie.

We are studying Birds this week, and I know if I search on Google for Lapbooks it will pull up a list of resources I can’t wait to check into.  I would like to let you know that I prefer to use “Free” items when teaching Charlie, but I have said there are times when I will purchase resources and Lapbooks is one resource I will purchase. and to get started  I want to buy one Lapbook for Charlie so I can see what he thinks about them and if it is something we like and would like to use in the Future.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie, and David Cates

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