What to Consider When Caring for an Elderly Parent

While life passes by at an alarming rate and we start to notice age creeping up on us a little faster, it is strange when it hits us all of a sudden that our parents are also aging with us too. 

It can seem as if, almost overnight, there is a little less hair on their head than there has been, or perhaps they are a little slower walking around than they used to be, or maybe they are getting a little more muddled up. 

For many of us, our parents will need additional care when they get older, and their needs will most likely determine whether you are able to help them or not.

This piece is going to take a look at what to consider when caring for an elderly parent, so you can know what to expect and make the right choice for your family. 

Your Parent’s Needs

First and foremost, understanding what your parent’s needs are will allow you to determine if you are able to give them the appropriate care they need. There is a big difference between your parents needing some shopping done every month versus needing personal hygiene care. 

Whatever it is that they require, it is important that you are honest with yourself about what care you are able to provide.

Your Needs

Not many of us can drop everything to look after our parents in their older age, no matter how much we might wish we could. Work, children, responsibilities, and other aspects of our own lives can make taking on our parent’s needs next to impossible.Not only that, but you cannot pour from an empty cup. If you are struggling with your own health, physical or mental, you might find that taking on extra care is not feasible.

In cases like these, choosing senior living Louisville KY can offer the best of both worlds. Your parents will be in safe hands, and you can focus on your own needs without needing to worrying about them. 

Making Necessary Changes 

If you have decided to take care of an elderly parent, understanding what changes need to be made is essential. For example, will they be moving into your house with you? Will you move to be with them? If they are moving in with you, there might be some changes that need to be made in order for them to keep their independence and be safe. For example, you might find that you need to incorporate a stair lift in your home or install some railings if they are unsteady on their feet. 

The changes that need to be made will also depend on your parent’s specific needs. You might find that you will need additional assistance in your home, such as carers, or that you may have to spend more time at home. 

Thinking about these factors when considering whether to care for an elderly parent can help guide you on what is best for both you and them.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie

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