Whitening Lightning Super Booster Pen

I must admit I am afraid when it comes to having things done with my teeth although I have wanted to have my teeth whitened. With the cost of having our teeth whitened and not knowing if it would hurt or not. I haven’t gone and had this procedure done and most likely never will. I would like to share with you my thoughts on a new company called Whitening Lightning and one of the there products called Super Booster Pens.

I was happy when I contacted Whitening Lightning and asked them if we could work together on a review and they said yes. I would like to let you know Whitening Lightning sent me there Super Booster Whitening Pen to try out. In exchange for a review but the thoughts in the report are all mine and mine alone.

Super Booster Whitening Pen arrived, and I started to use it right away. I didn’t tell anyone I was using Super Booster Whitening Pen. I wanted to see if they would notice my teeth being whiter which would say to me this product did work.

So day by day went by, and I started to wonder than one day David says your teeth look brighter what toothpaste are you using so I can use it. After that moment I knew that it was working.

I just showed him a tub of the toothpaste and said this is it as I still didn’t want to confess I was using a whitening pen and then I stopped and just went back to brushing my teeth. A couple of days later David says the toothpaste must not be working as your teeth do not look as clean or shiny.

I showed him the teeth whitening pen from Whitening Lightning, and I asked him to use it and let me know what he thought of it. David was amazed as there was no taste to it.

David also let me know it was easy to put on, and after a couple of days, he noticed a difference. Once David saw the difference he asked me if we could order a pen for each of us and I said we could.

I told him I wanted Charlie to try it as I wanted to see how hard it would be for a child to put on. Charlie put the product, and he let me know he has any trouble at all using it. I asked if it tasted funny and Charlie said it didn’t. Then I wondered if it made his teeth feel weird and he says no. I asked Charlie if he would use it again and he said he would.

For Valentine’s, I think I will get us all a pen from Whitening Lightning to use so we can have a brighter cleaner looking teeth and not be embarrassed by the way they look right now.

Meet the future of teeth whitening: our SUPER BOOSTER Pen puts strips and trays to shame with its convenience, fast-acting ingredients, and painless red-carpet results. Throw one in your purse for whitening anywhere, anytime anywhere and touch up your pearly whites on the go. Great for maintaining your smile.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie, and David Cates


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