WOW!! How would have guessed it is already March!!


marvellous_monday  March 2, 2015

I can not believe how fast this year is traveling by. It is March 2, 2015. Where did January and February go??? But I should as they all seem to move a lot faster now than they did when I was younger. So today I thought I would sit down and just say Hello!! It seems like forever since I opened the computer and have even wanted to write even though I have so much I would like to share with you all. So before I end up swamped and lost which is what I do most days I thought I would let you know I am back and that I have missed you.

I hope this year is turning out to be the best one ever for you. That you have been able to fulfill your dreams for the New Year and that you have been able to meet the Goals you set for yourself. But more than that that you have been able to spend lots and lots of time with your families and to create new memories.

As I fill like I have failed on all of these parts but there is still time to change them and to regroup and stand back and set new Goals and to rethink what I would like out of this life. So this week I will be doing this a lot. If you are doing the same things come and share it with me and lets help keep each other accountable as I know making and fulfilling goals is easier if we have a friend to do them with.

May God Bless you this week and it be the best week you have ever had.

Love, Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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