Yawn! Why You’re Always Tired

Are you yawning constantly? Do you feel like you’re not getting enough sleep no matter how long you’re in bed for? If you’re feeling tired all the time, this could be beyond tiredness and it could be fatigue. To most, fatigue is so much more than just feeling sleepy. It’s a constant and unremitting feeling of exhaustion, weakness and lack of energy.It’s really important to understand that you can’t just be diagnosed with fatigue if you are concerned with a health issue because there is always an underlying issue to it. 

People often go to the doctor because they are so tired, they can barely function, and it can present in so many different ways. A sense of weakness, for example, is very common for those who are fatigued, and a reduced capacity to maintain activity is also very common because there is just no energy to sustain it. Whether you are awaiting results for a hba1c test to find out what’s going on or you are simply exhausted from a long day at work. You need to understand that fatigue and tiredness are very different. So here are some of the common reasons for feeling constantly tired no matter what you do.

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  1. Your diet is poor. A healthy diet often gives you all of the energy that you need for your day and the nutrients that you need for your vitality and your health. But if you are not keeping to a healthy diet, you will find yourself struggling. Living on junk food can feel great in the moment, but you will feel more tired because your food is no longer nourishing you. With its high levels of refined carbohydrates, fast food can make your blood sugar spike really high, which causes a surge of insulin and your blood sugar to drop back down. This makes you crash.
  2. You’re not moving your body. With a healthy diet comes a healthy lifestyle and that means moving your body and exercising regularly. It’s essential for the functions of the body and the mind, and if you want to boost your energy levels then adding exercise to your life is important. It can be very hard to find the motivation to exercise when you’re feeling exhausted, but dragging yourself out for a walk or a bike ride could be exactly what you need. To increase your energy levels.It sounds counterintuitive, but it really does work because with that exercise comes endorphins, and those endorphins give you a boost.
  3. You’re not getting quality sleep. Poor quality sleep is something that will make you feel very tired. It’s easy to consider sleep to be something that just happens, but the quality of sleep can influence the way that you live day-to-day. You need to have a deeper rest, and the odds of this improves when you have good habits such as a regular bedtime, no sugar before you go to sleep, and making sure that you stick to a rigid bedtime timetable.

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