Yellow Dragon Fruit

Debbie, Charlie and I were going walking. Debbie asked us if Target would be okay to walk in because she was looking for Yellow Dragon Fruit Debbie said she had heard Yellow Dragon Fruit was good for digestion. We got to Target and went to the produce section but they didn’t have this Fruit in the store. As we walked through the store we found Fruit which we hadn’t ever seen before. Along with this box that contained Pumpkins. I would love having this box to use when we begin our Halloween decorating. If your in a store in Dallas Fort Wroth and see one being thrown away please get it for me.

Yellow Dragonfruit also known as pitaya or pitahaya, is a tropical fruit native to Central and South America. It has gained popularity worldwide due to its vibrant color, unique appearance, and various potential health benefits.

  • Rich in antioxidants: Yellow dragon fruit is packed with antioxidants, which help protect the body against free radicals.
  • Boosts immune system: The high content of vitamin C in yellow Dragon Fruit helps strengthen the immune system. 
  • Supports digestion: Yellow Dragon Fruit is a good source of dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and promotes a healthy digestive system. 
  • Promotes heart health: The fruit’s low sodium and high potassium content make it beneficial for heart health. Potassium helps regulate blood pressure, while the absence of sodium reduces the risk of hypertension. 
  • Provides hydration: Yellow dragon fruit has a high water content, which can help keep the body hydrated.
  • Supports weight management: Yellow dragon fruit is relatively low in calories and fat while being rich in fiber. 

Extra Large Bi-Color Seedless Grapes 

Extra Large Bi-Color Seedless Grapes 
Extra Large Bi-Color Seedless Grapes 

Red & Green Grapes in one container.

Apple Pears – 36oz/3ct – Good & Gather

Apple Pears - 36oz/3ct - Good & Gather™
Apple Pears – 36oz/3ct – Good & Gather™


  • Apple pears make a crispy, sweet addition to your fruit selection
  • Can be served cut or enjoyed whole
  • Delicious in fruit salads or as part of a cheese tray
  • Grown in the U.S.
  • Always wash produce before eating


Mix up your usual rotation of apples, oranges and bananas by adding Apple Pears from Good & Gather™ to your fruit selection. Apple pears have the sweet taste of pears that you love, but have a crisp and crunchy texture more akin to apples, making for a flavor and texture combo that’s sure to delight. These crisp pears make a tasty snack enjoyed on their own, but also make a surprising addition to fruit salads or paired with savory cheeses. You can even use them as an alternative to your traditional apples or pears in baked goods like crisps and pies.

Every product that carries the Good & Gather™ name starts with quality ingredients that deliver great taste, making it easier for you and your family to eat well, every day. We promise you’ll love each bite, or your money back.

Black Plumcots

Plumogranate: A black plumcot with a deep, dark red flesh. Plumogranates burst with flavors of plum, berry and pomegranate. Plus, they are packed with healthy disease-fighting antioxidants.

As we were leaving Target I remembered there was a Sprouts across the street. We went over there and walked through there produce department and found all kids of unusual Fruit which I plan on going back and picking up the Fruit for Charlie to use in his homeschool cooking class. As I was preparing to go back I thought you might like to see the Fruit we will be picking up.

SunBelle Golden Berries (a.k.a. Cape Gooseberries)

Golden Berries
Golden Berries

Golden Berries are delicious and healthful fruits which have taken a long circuitous journey to reach North American tables and consumers. Originating in the Andes Mountains of South America, golden berries were planted in South Africa — and known as cape gooseberries, New Zealand, France – where they are fetchingly named “amour en cage” (love in a cage), and throughout the world, where they have gone by uchuva, Peruvian ground cherry and physalis, their scientific name.

The sweet and mild tart flavor of Golden Berries works well in jams and preserves, a reason they became so popular in the 19th century. Today, fresh Golden Berries are available year-round in North America

Jarradale Pumpkins

The Jarrahdale pumpkin is a medium-large heirloom pumpkin cultivar with a distinctive blue-grey peel color. The average weight of a ripe Jarrahdale pumpkin is 6-18 pounds, and the pumpkins generally have pronounced ribs. This pumpkin is an excellent all-around choice, as it is well-suited to autumn decor, cooking, and for long-term storage.

Black Plumcots

Plumcots are stone fruits that are a plumapricot hybrid. Plant breeder Luther Burbank came up with the idea of cross-pollinating the two summertime stone fruits back in the late 19th century and early 20th century. Another plant breeder–Floyd Zaiger–renewed efforts to bring the 50-50 plum-apricot mix to market. He’s come up with all sorts of variations of the stone fruit combo including dapple dandy and flavor grenade pluots.

Organic Delcota Squash

Also known as peanut squash, Bohemian squash, or sweet potato squash, delicata squash is part of the Cucurbita pepo family. This group of squash includes varieties of summer squash, such as zucchini and yellow summer squash, as well as acorn and spaghetti squash, which are recognized as winter squash. Delicata is categorized as winter squash since it is has a hard flesh and is harvested late in the season. What makes it similar to types of summer squash, though, is its thin skin, meaning preparing and eating delicata is much easier than many other winter squash. Its colorful, striped skin also gives cooked delicata a visually appealing presentation as compared with many monochrome squashes, such as butternut, which is uniformly beige. 

Delicata squash was introduced in the late 1800s but fell

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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