Yes Bar Dark Chocolate Chip

Through Stack Influence I was sent Yes Bar Dark Chocolate Chip in exchange for this review.

Dark Chocolate Chip

Moving has been hard this week from packing to looking for a place it seems forever since we’ve had a home cooked meal. As much as I hate to say it this doesn’t seem to be going to change anytime soon which is affecting my diet and losing weight.

My head has been hurting and I am sure my Blood Pressure is higher than it should be. My nose has been bleeding and my stress level is through the roof. I have got to change things before I end up in the hospital which I don’t have time for.

I was looking for something to eat and Charlie brought me Yes Bar Dark Chocolate Chip which he had found on my desk. While David brought me a glass of Milk. I opened the bar up and was amazed at how good it tasted.

Charlie asked me what I told Charlie the bar was full of Chocolate which wasn’t overpowering. I liked the amount of Chocolate Chips. I let Charlie take a bite and before I knew what was happening Charlie took the box and went to his room and said these are mine all mine.

Dark Chocolate Chip

Since I had a little bit of the bar left, I was eating I let David have a bite and he also liked the flavor and said I should order a box for our snacks once we move. I look through the ingredients and was excited to find out these are Paleo and Gluten-Free which will keep Charlie’s stomach from hurting.

I thought when Charlie and David found out Yes Bar Dark Chocolate Chip contains Plant-Based ingredients they wouldn’t want these bars but that wasn’t the case. Thank the Lord. In the diet I am on I’m supposed to have as much Protein as I can get. DARK CHOCOLATE CHIP bars contain 5 grams of protein and 3 grams of Fiber per bar which is great. I can have one for Breakfast and another later in the day as a snack.

Enjoy the decadent taste of a chocolate chip cookie in a better-for-you bar format. Made with plant-based ingredients like almonds, maple syrup, dark chocolate, and fresh Saigon cinnamon, this flavor is truly a guilt-free treat. Along with 8 grams of Sugar.

@theyesbar #yesbar #yesbarpartner #sayyestothis #theyesbar #yestothis

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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